O papel da pesquisa tipológica sociolingüística em projetos de educação, vitalização de língua e cultura: primeiros relatos sociolingüísticos do grupo indígena Avá-Canoeiro de Minaçu/Goiás/BRASIL
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La acelerada desaparición de lenguas amerindias a lo largo de la historia, sobre todo en las tres
últimas décadas, ha llevado a lingüistas de todo el mundo no solamente a llamar la atención sobre
este fenómeno, sino también a defender el uso de encuestas sociolingüísticas que puedan decir
cuándo una lengua está muriendo; además, se han creado tipologías sociolingüísticas que apuntan
vías para evitar la pérdida de las lenguas amenazadas y revitalizarlas. Este artículo presenta: (i) las
razones para la conservación de esas lenguas; (ii) las causas de su desaparición y (iii) las tipologías
que fundamentan el estudio con los indígenas Avá-Canoeiro de Minaçu, Goiás, Brasil, llevado a
cabo en febrero y agosto de 2002. Para ello se traza un esbozo del contacto del grupo con la
sociedad dominante a fin de comprender la situación sociolingüística del grupo hasta este momento.
Se describen eventos de habla, de tipo interpersonal, que presentan alternancia de lenguas
(codeswitching), pues este aspecto del uso de la lengua en comunidades bilingües muestra si la
lengua nativa está siendo desplazada o no. Aun siendo un primer acercamiento sociolingüístico, se
apuntan hechos importantes que están dando apoyo a un programa de educación escolar en la
been calling the attention of linguists who have been assuming the need not only of sociolinguistic studies but also of new sociolinguistic typologies as a way of bringing forth programs of (re)vitalization of those endangered languages. This article presents the reasons for the maintenance of those languages and those related to their loss, the up to date sociolinguistic typologies as well as a preliminary report, which was done in February and August of 2002, on the sociolinguistic situation of the Avá-Canoeiro indigenous people who are living at the Terra Indígena Avá-Canoeiro, in the state of Goiás, Brazil. In order to correctly apply the typology chosen for this study, the historical contact of the group with the whites is showed giving support to the analysis of codeswitching among the Avá themselves and the whites living in the area. It is assumed by this author that codeswitching studies can be seen as a good tool to show how «safe» the native language is and to give support to the linguistic and educational actions among those people.
been calling the attention of linguists who have been assuming the need not only of sociolinguistic studies but also of new sociolinguistic typologies as a way of bringing forth programs of (re)vitalization of those endangered languages. This article presents the reasons for the maintenance of those languages and those related to their loss, the up to date sociolinguistic typologies as well as a preliminary report, which was done in February and August of 2002, on the sociolinguistic situation of the Avá-Canoeiro indigenous people who are living at the Terra Indígena Avá-Canoeiro, in the state of Goiás, Brazil. In order to correctly apply the typology chosen for this study, the historical contact of the group with the whites is showed giving support to the analysis of codeswitching among the Avá themselves and the whites living in the area. It is assumed by this author that codeswitching studies can be seen as a good tool to show how «safe» the native language is and to give support to the linguistic and educational actions among those people.
Loss and extinction of indigenous languages, Pérdida y extinción de lenguas indígenas, Sociolinguistic typologies, School education, Educación escolar, Tipologías sociolingüísticas
BRAGGIO, Silvia Lucia Bigonjal. O papel da pesquisa tipológica sociolingüística em projetos de educação, vitalização de língua e cultura: primeiros relatos sociolingüísticos do grupo indígena Avá-Canoeiro de Minaçu/Goiás/BRASIL. UniverSOS, València, n.1, p. 117-137, 2004.