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Item Infra-oclusão submucosa de molar decíduo: relato de caso clínico(1993) Valladares Neto, José; Nascimento, Zuleika Cristina Pontes; Nery, Cláudio de GóisItem Perda precoce de dentes decíduos: uma apreciação clínica na região de incisivos superiores e caninos decíduos(1994) Valladares Neto, José; Almeida, Luciana Afonso Valladares de; Campos, Terezinha Vasconcelos; Nery, Claudio de GoisItem Análise das recomendações internacionais sobre o consumo de açúcares publicadas entre 1961 e 1991(1994) Freire, Maria do Carmo Matias; Cannon, Geoffrey; Sheiham, AubreyIt is study made an analysis of national expert reports on dietary guidelines published all over the world in the 30-year period between 1961 and 1991. The aim is to identify what the reports recommend about the consumption of sugars and their relation to chronic diseases, and also what advice should be given to the public and appropriate authorities regarding levels of sugars in the diet. Information was gathered from 115 reports published by experts committees in 36 different countries and regions of the world, including developed and developing countries. The results showed that the great majority (84,5%) of the reports analysed make recommendations on the extrinsic consumption of sugar and that there is an agreement that these sugars, especially sucrose, must be reduced in the diet. The commonest level proposed is that 10% of total calory intake from extrinsic sugars should be considered the maximun level. Such advice is often addressed to the general population and it is offered with a view to the maintenance of general health and especially to the prevention dental caries and obesity. It was concluded that advice on the intake of sugars given by dietary guidelines in the last three decades is coherent with the existing scientific evidence on the relationship between sugars and human diseases and, therefore, they should be integrated into national food and health policies.Item Retardo eruptivo de incisivo permanente associado à rentenção prolongada do predecessor decíduo: obstrutivo, traumático, desenvolvimental ou idiopático?(1995) Valladares Neto, José; Jesuino, Flávia Aline Silva; Kaadi, Omar BorgesItem O dilema do diasema mediano e o freio labial superior: análise de pontos fundamentais(1996) Valladares Neto, José; Ribeiro, Alexandre Valtuille; Silva Filho, Omar Gabriel daItem Oclusão: aspectos contemporâneos. Apresentação da resenha de um simpósio realizado(1996) Leles, Cláudio Rodrigues; Melo, Mauro de; Valladares Neto, JoséItem Assistência à saúde bucal nas creches de Goiânia(1996) Freire, Maria do Carmo Matias; Melo, Rosana BarbosaItem Avaliação da retenção do selante após 01 (um) ano de aplicação em escolares(1997) Silva, Claudiôner de Oliveira e; Oliveira, Lívia Melo Bueno de; Freire, Maria do Carmo Matias; Queiroz, Maria Goretti; Avelino, Marília MartinsItem Experiência de cárie e situação de higiene oral em crianças dos orfanatos de Anápolis-GO(1998) Silva, Valquíria Batista dos Santos; Lenza, Marcos Augusto; Freire, Maria do Carmo MatiasItem Programa de prevenção do câncer bucal no município de Goiânia(1998) Mendonça, Elismauro Francisco de; Vencio, Eneida Franco; Caixeta, William BraytonItem Aids e odontologia: conhecimentos e atitudes dos cirurgiões-dentistas(1999) Nunes, Maria de Fátima; Freire, Maria do Carmo MatiasItem Prevalência de cárie e necessidades de tratamento em escolares de 6 a 12 anos da rede pública de ensino(1999) Freire, Maria do Carmo Matias; Pereira, Márcio Florentino; Batista, Simone Machado Oliveira; Borges, Maria do Rosário Siqueira; Barbosa, Maria Inêz; Rosa, Antônio Galvão FortunaObjective To assess dental caries prevalence and treatment needs of schoolchildren in the State of Goiás, Brazil. Methodos The study population consisted of 6-12-yr-old schoolchildren (n=1,419), male and female, attending 25 public schools located in the urban area of 9 provincial cities in the State of Goiás. Results Percentage of caries-free schoolchildren was very low at all ages (4.4% at age 12). Mean DMF-T ranged from 0.41 at age 6 to 5.19 at age 12. Mean dmf-t in this age group ranged from 4.93 to 0.29. Treatment needs were higher than the proportion of treated teeth in both deciduous and permanent dentition. Conclusion The high prevalence of dental caries found in schoolchildren in the provincial cities of Goiás suggests the need for oral health education and preventive programs targeted at the underlying causes of the disease on a population level.Item Conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas dos médicos pediatras em relação à saúde bucal(2000) Freire, Maria do Carmo Matias; Macedo, Raquel Adorno; Silva, Welder Humberto daPrimary health workers have an important role in oral health promotion. The aim of this study was to investigate knowledge, attitudes and practice of pediatricians regarding dental caries. A total of 96 pediatricians working in the public health service of Goiânia - GO, Brazil, answered the questionnaire. From these, 94.8% and 96.9% reported that they were aware of dental caries etiology and prevention, respectively; and 89.6% examined children s teeth in their consultations and gave advice to the parents. Oral hygiene and fluoride were the most commonly mentioned methods of prevention; only a few pediatricians were aware of the role of sugars in the etiology of dental caries. The majority agreed that pediatricians as well as dentists should play a role in oral health education of patients, but only 24.0% said that their own level of information was satisfactory. Pediatricians need to be better informed about the role of sugars inPrimary health workers have an important role in oral health promotion. The aim of this study was to investigate knowledge, attitudes and practice of pediatricians regarding dental caries. A total of 96 pediatricians working in the public health service of Goiânia - GO, Brazil, answered the questionnaire. From these, 94.8% and 96.9% reported that they were aware of dental caries etiology and prevention, respectively; and 89.6% examined children s teeth in their consultations and gave advice to the parents. Oral hygiene and fluoride were the most commonly mentioned methods of prevention; only a few pediatricians were aware of the role of sugars in the etiology of dental caries. The majority agreed that pediatricians as well as dentists should play a role in oral health education of patients, but only 24.0% said that their own level of information was satisfactory. Pediatricians need to be better informed about the role of sugars in dental caries, so that more correct information can be given to the parents. dental caries, so that more correct information can be given to the parents.Item Bioética, legislação e tecnologias reprodutivas(2001) Guilhem, Dirce Bellezi; Prado, Mauro Machado doIn this study, the authors focus on the bioethical and legal debate about the utilization of reproductive technologies in Brazil, presenting the path of the proposals that aim at regulating the clinical practice of human assisted reproduction. The following documents are used as reference for the analysis: the Resolution by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) n.1.358/92, the bills in the National Congress, laws and regulations related to the subject. The examination of these documents allows us to verify the different technical and moral orientations that influence the conduction of the issue in the legislative sphere. It can be verified that the main focus of the projects refers to the rights and interests of children, to the possible beneficiaries of the technique and to embryo reduction. Very little relevance has been directed to the issues of sexual and reproductive rights and to the health of women that undergo new reproductive technologies.Item Aproximação da cortical palatina versus reabsorção radicular externa: existe esta correlação durante o tratamento ortodôntico?(2002) Valladares Neto, José; Albernaz, Patrícia Inácio; Almeida, Guilherme de AraújoItem O papel da ressonância magnética no diagnóstico do adenoma pleomórfico: revisão da literatura e relato de casos(2003) Ribeiro-Rotta, Rejane Faria; Cruz, Mirna L.; Paiva, Rogério Ribeiro de; Mendonça, Elismauro Francisco de; Spini, Tulio Humberto; Mendonça, Alexandre RodriguesThe deep and diffuse distribution of salivary glands in the soft tissue of the head and neck region is one common limitation to the early diagnosis of Pleomorphic Adenoma (PA) from those glands. The limits of this type of lesion cannot be established by clinical exam only. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has being playing an important role in the diagnosis of the AP. This image modality provides high resolution of soft tissue with no ionizing radiation. The majority of the studies have been shown it superiority for this purpose. The aim of this study was to review the literature and to discuss the importance, advantages, and disadvantages of the different imaging techniques for the diagnosis and treatment plan of the most prevalent neoplasm of salivary glands – Pleomorphic Adenoma. Reports of clinical cases will illustrate the most important reasons that justify the superiority of MRI for the above-mentioned investigation.Item Contribuição da radiologia digital na clinica odontologica(2003) Botelho, Tessa de Lucena; Mendonça, Elismauro Francisco de; Cardoso, Lázara L. M.Item Hábitos e conhecimentos sobre cárie e doença periodontal em um grupo de adultos(2004) Nunes, Fabiany Cristina Santos; Freire, Maria do Carmo Matias; Soares, Fabíola FernandesItem Evaluation of the roughness and mass loss of the flowable composites after simulated toothbrushing abrasion(2004) Garcia, Fernanda Cristina Pimentel; Wang, Linda; D’Alpino, Paulo Henrique Perlatti; Souza, João Batista de; Araújo, Paulo Amarante de; Mondelli, Rafael Francisco LiaThe purpose of this study was to measure mass loss and surface roughness changes of different brands of flowable resin composites after a simulated toothbrushing test. The null hypotheses were that there would be no differences in mass loss and no significant changes in surface roughness after this test and that there would be no correlation between the two variables. The tested materials were Aeliteflo (Bisco), Flow-It (Pentron), Flow-It LF (Pentron), Natural Flow (DFL) and Wave (SDI). Z100 (3M/ESPE) microhybrid and Silux Plus (3M/ESPE) microfilled resin composites were used as control materials. Twelve specimens (5 mm in diameter, 3 mm thick) of each material were prepared according to manufacturers’ instructions. Toothbrushing abrasion was performed on all specimens from each of the materials using a simulator. The percentage mass loss and surface roughness were assessed before and after 100,000 brushstrokes, using a Sartorius analytical balance of 0.0001 g accuracy and a Hommel Tester T1000, respectively. The measurements of both properties were statistically compared by paired t-test and Tukey’s test (p < 0.05). All materials presented a statistically significant mass loss comparing initial and final values, with the exception of Flow-It LF. However, no difference was revealed when comparing the mass loss of the different tested materials. All materials became rougher and Wave presented statistically higher roughness compared to the other resin composites. Flowable resin composites did not seem to be superior to the control groups, and they can be expected to wear by mass loss and to have an increased roughness of surface after toothbrushing action. The anticipated null hypotheses were partially accepted.Item Um programa de saúde bucal para bebês em Goiânia-GO: resultados após 3 anos(2004) Pereira, Marina Batista Borges; Freire, Maria do Carmo MatiasThe objective of this study was to describe the outcomes of an infant oral health programme 3 years after implementation, a programme focused on health education for parents and caries prevention methods for children in a baby clinic. A retrospective cohort study was carried out. The setting was the Infant Oral Health Programme developed at the baby clinic of the State Department of Health, Goiânia-GO, Brazil. The sample comprised 100 children who entered the programme from birth to 12 months and were followed for 2 to 3 years. Variables investigated were caries experience, caries risk, and children’s behaviour in the dental clinic. The number of children with caries experience was 1 at the initial visit and 8 after the follow-up. There was a dramatic decrease in the number of children in the high risk group, from 51% at the initial visit to only 1% after 2 to 3 years. Children’s behaviour in the dental clinic was according to their psychological development. It was concluded that the Infant Oral Health Programme in Goiânia showed positive outcomes after 3 years of establishment. Further investigations should evaluate the cost-benefit, as well as the effectiveness of the procedures used in the programme.