EVZ - Escola de Veterinária e Zootecnia
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A Escola de Veterinária e Zootecnia (EVZ), da Universidade Federal de Goiás, oferece os cursos de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia. Além de Especialização em: Tecnologia de Produtos de Origem Animal; e, Zootecnia.
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Item Influência da espécie forrageira no incremento de calor por radiação em pastagens(Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado de São Paulo - Instituto de Zootecnia, 1978-12) Alcântara, Paulo Bardauil; Ghisi, Odete Maria Aparecida Angeli; Kuhn Neto, Jorge; Alcântara, Valquíria de Bem Gomes; França, Aldi Fernandes de SouzaItem Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do arroz. XXVII. Fatores que influenciam a absorção radicular do fósforo pela variedade IAC 164(Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, 1984) Malavolta, Eurípedes; Santos, Armando José Ribeiro dos; França, Aldi Fernandes de Souza; Fachinello, José Carlos; Barbosa Filho, Morel PereiraItem Desnutrição de macronutrientes em plantas de Algaroba(Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Florestais, 1986) Haag, Henrique Paulo; Medeiros, Aldo Arnaldo; França, Aldi Fernandes de SouzaIn order to obtain a clear picture of the macronutrients deficiencies, the dry matter production of plants submitted to deficiencies, and the levels of the macronutrients in the new ar1d old leaves, seeds of Prosopis juliflora were put to germination in a subtracts of sand and vermiculite (1+1). When the seedlings were 10 cm height, they were transferred to pots containing 7 kg of quartz and irrigated several times a day with nutrients solutions containing all elements and with the omission of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. When the malnutrition symptoms appeared, the plants were collected and separated into new leaves, old leaves and "stem + branches". The material was dried at 75°C and analyzed for the elements. The authors concluded that: 1) The omission of the macronutrients affected the growth of the plants (dry matter) in the following order: N > K > P > Mg > Ca > S all elements; 2) The visual symptoms were unclear; 3) The levels of the elements in the new and old leaves in the presence of all elements were: N% 2.59-1.90; P% 0.23-0.14; K% 1.93-2.04; Ca% 0.45-0.64; Mg% 0.49-0.63; S%0.20-0.21; 4) The levels of the elements in the new and old leaves in plants submitted to desnutrition were: N% 1.80-1.80; P% 0.14- 0.14; K%0.97-0.41; Ca%0.45-0.64; Mg%0.22-0.24 and S%0.09-0.09.Item Nutrição mineral de gramínas tropicais III. Deficiência de macronutrientes na produção de matéria seca e na composição mineral do milheto forrageiro (Penissetum americanum)(Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, 1987) França, Aldi Fernandes de Souza; Haag, Henrique Paulo; Carmello, Quirino Augusto de CamargoItem Tratamento de luxação de patela em bovinos pela desmotomia em estação quadrupedal(1991) Ferreira, Homem Israel; Toniollo, Gilson Hélio; Silva, Luiz Antônio Franco da; Alves, Geraldo Heleno Silveira; Silveira, João Machado da; Carlo, Ricardo Junqueira DelPatellar medial desmotomy for uni or bilateral luxation was perfo,med in 402 bovines at the standing position, under wcal anaesthesiaJntractable animals were tranquilhed with an intramuscular infection of 0.4,0.6mg, · of chlorpromazine per ldlogram of body weight. Anatomic and physio-pathological aspects of lamnes were studied.The animais recovered normal locomotion shorrtly after surgery. lt was concluded that the surgical technique is effective, but requires practice to find both patellar ligaments.Item Comparação entre as populações auriculares e nasais de Dermacentor nitens (Neumann, 1897) oriundas de equinos de Minas Gerais e Bahia, Brasil(1993) Borges, Lígia Miranda Ferreira; Leite, Romário CerqueiraItem Avaliação de efeitos de ambiente e da repetibilidade de características reprodutivas em bovinos da raça Nelore(1994) Pádua, João Teodoro; Munari, Danisio Prado; Watanabe, Yeda Fumie; Leal, Cláudia Lima Verde; Oliveira, José de Anchieta Leite; Alencar, Maurício Mello deFour hundred and seven observations on age at first calving (AFC), 871 on calving interval (CI) and 587 on cow weight at calving (CW) in Nelore cattle, were analyzed by the least squares method to evaluate the effects of some environmental factors on reproductive traits. Year and season of birth affected (P<0.01) AFC. Heifers born from February to April were older at first calving than the ones born during the rest of the year. Year and month of the first calving of the interval and order of the interval showed significant (P<0.01) effects on CI. Toe cows calving from June to December showed smaller intervals than those calving from February to May and the higher the order of the interval, the smaller the calving interval. Year, month and calving number affected (P<0.01) CW. Toe weights increased from the beginning to the end of the year and as the calving number got higher. Sex of calf had no effect on CI and CW. Toe estimated least squares means were 1213 days (39.9 months), 410 days (13.5 months) and 405 kg for AFC, CI and CW, respectively. The estimated repeat abilities of CI and CW were 0.24 ± 0.04an 0.61 ± 0.04, respectively.Item Variação dos índices de umidade, proteína, gordura e cinzas, em salsichas fabricadas com diferentes teores de proteína texturizada de soja(1994) Souza, Rogério Marcos de; Silva, Teófilo José Pimentel da; Sampaio, Ivan Barbosa Machado; Martins, Renaldo Travassos; Lage, Moacir EvandroFrankfurter sausages were manufactured with 0%, 15.0%, 22.5% and 30.0% of texturized soya protein (TSP). Each formulation was repeated nine times and each sample was analised for moisture, protein, fat and ash. There was no difference on the results of the analysis when the legal limits of adding TSP were respected. On the other hand, the leveis of protein and fat showed differences, perceptive when 30.0% of TSP was added.Item Fluorose em ratos induzida pela ingestão contínua de fosfatos brutos de rocha: morfologia do dente e osso alveolar(1994) Araújo, Eugênio Gonçalves de; Nunes, Vera Alvarenga; Couto, O. B.; Viana, José de Alencar Carneiro; Nunes, Ilton JoséThe effects of fluoride toxicity due to Brazilian roch phosphates intake in rats (Ratus ratus) were evaluated by the microscopic examination of tooth and alveolar bone. The rats received a basic diet added Araxá, Patos de Minas and Tapira rock phosphate at two levels of disponíble phosphorus (0.15 and 0.25%). The control rats were fed the sarne basie diet non-supplemented with any phosphate source. Regardless the rock phosphate sources, ali the animals showed dental and bone fluorosis. The contrai rats did not show any lesions.Item Técnica de circuncisão com encurtamento do pênis para obtenção de rufiões equinos(1995) Silva, Luiz Antônio Franco da; Carneiro, Mauro Inácio; Fioravanti, Maria Clorinda Soares; Miranda, Afonso Henrique; Bernis, Walter OctavianoA surgical technique of circuncision to prevent the extension of the penis for the purpose preventing copulation by the teaser stallíon is described. Surgery was easily performed, post-operative care was minimal and teaser stallions were efficient in detecting estral mares.Item Disponibilidade biológica relativa do fósforo dos fosfatos de rocha bruto e parcialmente defluorizado, para galinhas poedeiras(1995) Sakomura, Nilva Kazue; Silva, Giane Sefarim; Café, Marcos Barcellos; Rostagno, Horácio Santiago; Ariki, JojiThis experiment was carried out at poultry station of Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal- UNESP, lasting 224 days (8 periods of 28 days), with the aim to study Phosphorus biological availability of Raw Rock phosphate (RRP) and of partially Defluorinated Rock phosphate (PDP), to laxing bens two hundreds and ten laying bens from Hy-Line strain, aged 31 weeks at the beginning of the experiment were used. The experiment design was blocks at random, with 7 treatments, 5 repetions, 6 birds per each plot. Toe relative available Phosphorus of phosphates was determinated by tecnique slop - ration. The bens fed diets containing raw rock phosphate and partially defluorinated rock had worst performance than birds fed dicalcium phosphate. The mean values of Phosphorus biological availability were 41,80% and 17,83% for raw rock phosphate and partially defluorinated rock phosphate, respectively.Item Ocorrência de Listeria spp. em carne crua de frango no mercado da cidade de Belo Horizonte-MG(1996) Lage, Moacir Evandro; Silva, Teófilo José Pimentel da; Cerqueira, Mônica Maria Oliveira Pinho; Sampaio, Ivan Barbosa Machado; Souza, Rogerio Marcos deNinety broiler meat samples (30 carcasses, 30 breasts and 30 broiler thighs) were analyzed in order to detect Listeria spp. These samples (30 freezed and 60 chiIJed) represented 20 commercial labels of broiler meat and were picked from 42 commercial establishments (supermarkets, butcheries, etc.) distributed in five regions of the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Toe occurence found of Listeria spp was 100%, being 4.4% of L. monocytogenes and 98.9% of L. innocua. There was not a significant associat1on (P>0.05) between the type of broiler parts, the refrigeration method and contamination by Listeria monocytogenes,but there was a significantly higher occurence (P< 0.05) in the poorest regions, which suggests that lower hygiene conditions during storing and manipulation of broiler mcat may be reponsible for higher occurence of L. monocytogenes.Item Correção cirúrgica da ruptura de pênis em bovinos(1996) Eurides, Duvaldo; Bombonato, Pedro Primo; Silva, Luiz Antônio Franco da; Fioravanti, Maria Clorinda Soares; Versesi Filho, Aníbal Eugênio; Medeiros, Alessandra AparecidaSix young bulls were indentified as having lesions in the penile albugínea with irregular surfaces, necrosis in the cranial portion of the penis and absence of the internai tissue of the prepuce. They also presented urethral rupture, retention of urine in the ventral body wall and subcutaneus tissue ofthe sheath. These animais had the penis surgically amputated close to the scrotum in the perineal region. The cranial portion of the penis was removed and the stump was sutured to the ventral comissure of the incision leaving 2,5cm of the stump exposed. Oue to quick recovery of the animais and absence of complications, it is suggested that the surgical procedure is clinically adequate for the recovery of animais with ruptures of the penis.Item Ácido metacresolsulfônico associado a nitrofurazona e enrofloxacina no tratamento de sinusite em bovinos(1996) Fioravanti, Maria Clorinda Soares; Silva, Luiz Antônio Franco da; Eurides, Duvaldo; Moreira, Paulo César; Silva, Carla Afonso daTwenty five bulls were examined with frontal sinus infection caused by surgical dehorning. The animais were treated with metacresotsufonic acid and nitrofurazone applied into the paranasal sinus and parenteral administration of enrofloxacin. The procedure showed itself to be efficient.Item Utilização do sistema marcador "chin-ball" como auxiliar na detecção do cio de éguas(1996) Silva, Luiz Antônio Franco da; Fioravanti, Maria Clorinda Soares; Eurides, Duvaldo; Silva, José Monteiro; Marques Júnior, Antônio Pinho; Pires, Cracyani BatistaA marker system called "chin-ball", adapted for horses, secured by belts to the pectoral region of the teaser stallion was evaluated. Estrual mares were efficiently identified by teaser stallions with this system.Item Morfologia e morfometria da reparação tecidual de feridas cutâneas de camundongos tratadas com solução aquosa de barbatimão (Stryphynodendron Barbatiman Martius)(1996) Eurides, Duvaldo; Mazzanti, Alexandre; Belleti, Marcelo Emílio; Silva, Luiz Antônio Franco da; Fioravanti, Maria Clorinda Soares; Troncoso Neto, Nilo Sérgio; Campos, Vanderlei Anacleto de; Lemos, Roberto Cardoso; Silvestrini Júnior, Plinio LuizFourth-eight male mice (Mus musculus) were submitted to surgical removal of a circular fragment of skin, with 10,0 mm of diameter, from the dorsal portion of the Thorax. The animals were divided into two groups for morphological and morph metrical evaluation of the wounds, on the 3th, 7th, 14th and 21st days after surgery. The animals on group I did not have their wounds treated and the animals on group II had topic treatment with 0,1 ml of barbatiman aqueous solution. The wounds of the animals in group II on the 7th on the 21st days after surgery, showed more intense granulated tissue. On the 19th day after surgery the wounds of the animals on group II were repaired and the mice of group I, had their wounds repaired after the 21st day after surgery. The use of barbatiman aqueous topic solution was efficient to help tissue repairment of mice cutaneous wounds.Item Aspectos macroscópicos da dermorrafia de bovinos com grampos de metal galvanizado e fio de algodão(1996) Fioravanti, Maria Clorinda Soares; Silva, Luiz Antônio Franco da; Bernis, Walter Octaviano; Carneiro, Mauro InácioGalvanized staples were used on skin suture in cattle. Five incisions were performed on the right and left flanks of each animal and surgical wounds were suttured with staples on one side and cotton linen on the other. Toe animais were monitored over a 30-day period. Wound contamination was evident on the 5th day and remained until _the end of the experiment, and was greater in wounds suttured with cotton linen. lt was concluded that stapes can be a new option in large animal surgery, making sutture safe and faster, and can be easily executed, reducing surgery and anesthesy time.Item Preparo de rufiões carneiros pela retroflexão do pênis(1996) Eurides, Duvaldo; Passos, Guilherme Safatle; Hard, Gustavo Gehrke; Chaves, Nilo Sérgio Troncoso; Silva, Luiz Antônio Franco da; Fioravanti, Maria Clorinda SoaresTwelve rams, with no breed, from 16 to 20 months old were used to present a new surgical method on the prepare of teaser rams by penile retroflection. The animals were observed during mating before the surgery to evaluete the sexual behavior and penis exposure. Twenty five days after surgery the teaser rams were tested with estrous sheeps to evaluate the surgical techinique and libido. The teaser rams did not expose their penis in any way. The method showed to be efficient and can be utilized in the detection of estrous sheeps in artificial insemination programs.Item Milheto: (Penissetum americanum) como substituto do milho (Zea mays) na alimentação do tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum)(Instituto de Pesca, 1997) Silva, Paulo César; França, Aldi Fernandes de Souza; Pádua, Delma Machado Cantisani; Jacob, GalbaPearl millet (Pennisetum americanum) is an annual summer forage that grows in India and some African countries, used for human and animal feeding. It has a high nutritive value and is employed for grain production or forage. Because of its physiologic characteristics, pearl millet is adapted to the soil and climate conditions of Brazilian Cerrado regions. The present research was carried out at the "Setor de Piscicultura da Universidade Federal de Goiá s" , aiming to evalu ate "tambaqui" (Colossoma macropomum) production performance after feeding diets containing increasing leveis of substitution of corn meal by pearl millet grain meal. Two hundred and fourty juvenile "tambaquis" (29.03 ± 3.96 g) were ran domly distributed among 12 ponds and fed for 189 days, at 8 to 3 % live weight, with one of 4 experimental diets , with increasing leveis of substitution of corn meal by pearl millet grain meal (O, 20, 40, e 60 %) and with tree replications for each treatment. It was not reported significant differences (F-test, P>0.05) between the diets, on the parameters of production performance analyzed, and related to the different diets used, corn or pearl millet grain. lt was possible to conclude that in these conditions the pearl millet can be included in the diet until the higher level tested. It is recommended subsequent researches to test higher inclusions and for longer periods .Item Uso do ácido orgânico (Ácido fumárico) nas rações de frangos de corte(1997) Runho, Ricardo César; Sakomura, Nilva Kazue; Kuana, Sioji; Branzatto, David; Junqueira, Otto Mack; Stringhini, José HenriqueThis experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of the addition of fumaric acid to broiler diet on birds performance. One thousand and eighty Hubbard day-old broiler chicks were alloted in a randomized block design, six treatments with two replicates of males, and four replicates of females. Three basal diets were formulated to meet the nutritional requirements in each growing phase: from 1 to21 days, 21 to 37 days and 37 to 45 days. Treatments consisted first in the addition of growth promoter to basal diets; second, the basal diet without growth promoter and fumaric acid; and finally the treatments with additions of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0%, of fumaric acid. The group treated without of both growth promoter and fumaric acid presented a higher intake and a smaller feed:gain ratio in relation to the fumaric acid treated groups. However, there were no differences among groups treated with growth promoter and fumaric acid. The contrasts did not show any difference among weight gain, carcass yield and abdominal fat. The addition of fumaric acid levels to the diets promoted reduction of feed intake, without any effect on weight gain, improving, therefore, the feed/gain ratio. A digestibility experiment was carried out, using 30 Hy-Line roosters, to determine apparent metabolyzed energy (AME), corrected by nitrogen of the diets containing O.O, 0.5 and 1.0% of the acid. An increase on the AME of the diets was observed with fumaric acid addition.