FO - Faculdade de Odontologia
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A FO - Faculdade de Odontologia, da Universidade Federal de Goiás, oferece curso de Graduação em: Odontologia. E os cursos de Especialização (Lato Sensu) em: Implantodontia.
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Item A recurrent case of central odontogenic fibroma in maxilla showing root resorption: a case report(2018) Carvalho, Stephany Pimenta; Watanabe, Satiro; Vencio, Eneida FrancoObjective: The aim of this report is present an aggressive re current case of central odontogenic fibroma (COF) with tooth resorption in anterior maxilla, and discuss both events based on literature. Case description: A 29-year-old woman was re ferred for examination of a non-swelling intraosseous lesion detected by routine radiographic exams for orthodontic plan ning. Panoramic exam revealed a well-defined multiloculated radiolucency in the right anterior maxilla. Periapical radiogra phy highlighted dental resorption of canine and first premolar. After the incisional biopsy the COF diagnosis was confirmed. Tumor was removed by enucleation. Recurrence was detected three years later and the lesion was removed together with in volved teeth. No indication of recurrence has been observed in the past eight years. Conclusion: COF is a benign tumor and can be aggressive. Recurrence and root resorption simultane ously are rare features reported in literature. The treatment must include tooth removal and curettage. Prognosis is good and follow-up is important.Item Abordagem interdisciplinar no tratamento de reabsorção cervical externa: relato de caso(2011) Barnabé, William; Souza, João Batista de; Lopes, Lawrence Gonzaga; Ruiz, Luís Fernando Naldi; Freitas, Pedro Henrique; Mendonça Neto, Tatiany deItem Accidental displacement of third molar into the sublingual space: a case report(2014-09) Silveira, Rubens Jorge; Garcia, Robson Rodrigues; Botelho, Tessa Lucena; Rosário Junior, Ademir Franco do; Silva, Rhonan Ferreira daBackground: Successful extraction of third molars depends on preoperative diagnosis and planning. Gold standard preoperative examinations are performed through computed tomography, decreasing risks and avoiding potential accidents. The present report highlights the value of preoperative examinations in face of accidentally displaced third molars. Methods: An 18-years-old female patient underwent a third mandibular molar extraction with a general dentist. Accidentally, the mandibular left third molar was displaced into the sublingual space, making necessary a second surgical step. The surgery was interrupted and the patient was referred to an expert in maxillofacial surgery. Results: After 21 days awaiting an asymptomatic health status, the second surgical step was successfully performed using multislice computed tomography as preoperative imaging guide. Conclusions: The present case report highlights the clinical usefulness of imaging planning and informed consents in face of legal and ethic potential complaints.Item O açúcar na dieta das instituições para pessoas portadoras de necessidades especiais do estado de Goiás(2006) Nunes, Maria de Fátima; Freire, Maria do Carmo Matias; Ferreira, RosanaThe objective of this study was to evaluate knowledge on and use of dietary sugar in the institutions for people with disabilities of the State of Goiás, Brasil. Of the 52 institutions, 32 (61.5%) participated. Data were collected through questionnaire and interview among the settings' staff. In most of institutions food was bought and the choice was made by those in charge of them, based mainly on nutritional value and the people's interest. Many institutions reported they advise parents about diet, but only a few have included information on sugar. Most of the dental professionals reported they have given some advice on sugar and health to the disabled, their parents and staff. All institutions added sugar to the meals served. The main reasons were to be tasty, to make food sweet and to please the disabled. Many of those in charge of the diet definition and preparation did not know the health hazards of sugar. However, a high proportion of those who had this knowledge related sugar to chronic diseases, especially obesity and dental caries. The results suggest there is a need for health education integrated to broader food policy policies in the institutions investigated.Item Aids e odontologia: conhecimentos e atitudes dos cirurgiões-dentistas(1999) Nunes, Maria de Fátima; Freire, Maria do Carmo MatiasItem Alterações na Declaração de Helsinque – a história continua(2007) Garrafa, Volnei; Prado, Mauro Machado doThe following article analyses the history paper played by Helsink Statement in the field of ethics in research with humans beings. The aforesaid document, built and reviewed several times during annual Meetings promoted by The World Medical Association, nevertheless began to receive severe criticism of the USA from the years 90's. Concerning this document, mainly, the articles 19, 29, and 30 had their legitimacy put under challenge. The referred articles are related to a double standard research usage as ethics measurement and a non obligation for clinical investigation sponsors to keep themselves responsible for any attention those related subjects after completed assays. This document analyses all long process for changing attempts, severely criticized under bioethics about the point of view, sided and imperialist US positions.Item Análise bioética da percepção da solidariedade na ação do voluntariado(2005) Penteado, Felipe Gomes; Silva, Leonardo Eustáquio Sant'Anna da; Rodrigues, Renata Dias Carneiro; Silva, Mauro Machado do; Bugarin Júnior, João GeraldoEl presente artículo consiste en un análisis de la percepción de solidariedad por voluntarios de una institución filantrópica del Distrito Federal dirigida al auxilio de familias que poseen niños en tratamiento de cáncer. Para lo cual, se aplicaron cuestionarios a los voluntarios relacionados con la institución y también participantes de una promoción filantrópica de una cadena internacional de fast food. Se analizó, según la bioética, si su comprometimiento ocurrió por cuestión de solidariedad, caridad o compasión. La referencia conceptual para el presente análisis es que la solidariedad consiste en una acción crítica, comprometida y en consonancia con varios principios bioéticos. El estudio hizo percibir que los voluntarios comprenden a la solidaridad como un proceso basado en la responsabilidad social y que tiene consciencia de que sus acciones son importantes para la sociedad.Item Análise da viabilidade financeira e dos aspectos legais para implementação de clínica odontológica na cidade de Goiânia(2013) Santana Júnior, Arnaldo Costa; Campos, Cerise de Castro; Leles, José Luiz Rodrigues; Guilherme, Adérico Santana; Silva, Donizete de Castro eItem Análise das recomendações internacionais sobre o consumo de açúcares publicadas entre 1961 e 1991(1994) Freire, Maria do Carmo Matias; Cannon, Geoffrey; Sheiham, AubreyIt is study made an analysis of national expert reports on dietary guidelines published all over the world in the 30-year period between 1961 and 1991. The aim is to identify what the reports recommend about the consumption of sugars and their relation to chronic diseases, and also what advice should be given to the public and appropriate authorities regarding levels of sugars in the diet. Information was gathered from 115 reports published by experts committees in 36 different countries and regions of the world, including developed and developing countries. The results showed that the great majority (84,5%) of the reports analysed make recommendations on the extrinsic consumption of sugar and that there is an agreement that these sugars, especially sucrose, must be reduced in the diet. The commonest level proposed is that 10% of total calory intake from extrinsic sugars should be considered the maximun level. Such advice is often addressed to the general population and it is offered with a view to the maintenance of general health and especially to the prevention dental caries and obesity. It was concluded that advice on the intake of sugars given by dietary guidelines in the last three decades is coherent with the existing scientific evidence on the relationship between sugars and human diseases and, therefore, they should be integrated into national food and health policies.Item Análise legal das informações sobre instruções de uso presentes nas embalagens de limas K-File(2010-06) Silva, Rhonan Ferreira da; Prado, Mauro Machado do; Oliveira, Henrique César Marçal de; Portilho, Claudia Daniela Moreira; Daruge Júnior, EduardoIntroduction: Anvisa classifies endodontic files as medical products and, therefore, all commercial trademarks sold in Brazil must have an adequate registration. To achieve this registration, several information on the product should be available to consumers (dentists) in order to allow its proper use and to avoid possible accidents. Objective: To examine whether the information set forth in endodontic K-Files packages, labels and instructions for use are in accordance with current legislation, especially those established by Anvisa and the Consumer’s Defense Code (CDC). Material and methods: 29 retail dental centers were visited and 11 samples of different commercial trademarks of KFiles first series (15-40) were obtained, and the information available on them was submitted to an analysis based on legal orders. Results: In all trademarks, there was no information available on how to use the product and on the means of storing the files before/after use. Only SybronEndo trademark warned about the risks of using the files and reported criteria of number of use and disposal. Only Mani trademark adequately informed on how to sterilize. Conclusion: It was verified that certain rules established by Anvisa and CDC are being disregarded concerning the display of certain necessary and required information that should be included on labels, instructions for use or K-Files commercial packages. Considering the large amount of information that must be available for the proper use of endodontic files, it is important that they are displayed preferably by means of instructions for use in the commercial package to be acquired by dentists.Item Analysis of cell proliferation and pattern of invasion in in oral squamous cell carcinoma(2010) Watanabe, Satiro; Watanabe, Rogério Haruo; Leite, Angélica Ferreira Oton; Alencar, Rita de Cássia Gonçalves de; Oliveira, José Carlos de; Leles, Cláudio Rodrigues; Batista, Aline Carvalho; Mendonça, Elismauro Francisco deItem Analysis of filler particle levels and sizes in dental alginates(2010) Carlo, Hugo Lemes; Fonseca, Rodrigo Borges; Gonçalves, Luciano de Souza; Correr Sobrinho, Lourenco; Soares, Carlos José; Sinhoreti, Mário Alexandre CoelhoThe aim of this study was to determine the inorganic filler fractions and sizes of commercially alginates. The inorganic particles volumetric fractions of five alginates – Jeltrate(J), Jeltrate Plus(JP), Jeltrate Chromatic Ortho(JC), Hydrogum(H) and Ezact Krom(E) were accessed by weighing a previously determined mass of each material in water before and after burning samples at 450 °C for 3 hours. Unsettled materials were soaked in acetone and chloroform and sputter-coated with gold for SEM evaluation of fillers’ morphology and size. The results for the volumetric inorganic particle content were (%): J – 48.33, JP – 48.33, JC – 33.79, H – 37.55 and E – 40.55. The fillers presented a circular appearance with helical form and various perforations. Hydrogum fillers looked like cylindrical, perforated sticks. The mean values for fillers size were (μm): J – 12.91, JP – 13.67, JC – 13.44, E – 14.59 and H – 9 (diameter), 8.81 (length). The results of this study revealed differences in filler characteristics that could lead to different results when testing mechanical properties.Item Anatomical variations in the permanent mandibular canine: forensic importance(2012-12) Silva, Rhonan Ferreira da; Prado, Mauro Machado do; Botelho, Tessa de Lucena; Reges, Rogério Vieira; Marinho, Décio Ernesto de AzevedoIntroduction: The uniqueness of dental morphology plays an important role in Forensic Odontology, especially for human identifications, in which a single tooth can provide information for dental identification. Objective: To address the importance of a permanent lower canine with two roots for dental identification considering the internal and external morphology of the canine roots. Case report: To report a forensic case in which a two-rooted permanent lower canine was found in a decomposed human body. Conclusion: Although the victim was not identified by the dental parameter, it was observed that this type of morphological variation is of little incidence in some populations, therefore constituting a valuable tool for dental human identifications.Item Angulação radicular mesiodistal de caninos permanentes em crianças com fissura unilateral completa de lábio e palato(2010) Jesuino, Flávia Aline Silva; Andrade, Ludmila Oliveira de; Valladares Neto, JoséThe aim of this study was to analyze the influence of unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) in mesiodistal angulation of the permanent canines in the mixed dentition. Thirty panoramic radiographs of children (21 male and 9 female) with mean age of 8 years and 11 months (ranging from 6 years and 10 months to 10 years and 4 months), with UCLP with only primary lip and palate surgeries performed, were retrospectively selected. The mesiodistal root angulation of the maxillary permanent canines (the cleft and non-cleft sides) and mandibular were measured with reference to the occlusal plane. The differences between genders, between the cleft and non-cleft sides and between right and left jaw were statistically analyzed by unpaired t test. The results indicated no influence of gender (P> 0.05) and pointed to a significant asymmetry in mesiodistal root angulation of the maxillary canine on the cleft side (P = 0.001). We conclude that the UCLP influenced mesiodistal root angulation of the maxillary canine adjacent to the cleft.Item Aproximação da cortical palatina versus reabsorção radicular externa: existe esta correlação durante o tratamento ortodôntico?(2002) Valladares Neto, José; Albernaz, Patrícia Inácio; Almeida, Guilherme de AraújoItem Aspectos metodológicos do projeto SBBrasil 2010 de interesse para inquéritos nacionais de saúde(2012) Oliveira, Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli da Costa; Silva, Nilza Nunes da; Nascimento, Antonio Carlos; Freitas, Cláudia Helena Soares de Morais; Casotti, Elisete; Peres, Karen Glazer de Anselmo; Moura, Lenildo de; Peres, Marco Aurélio de Anselmo; Freire, Maria do Carmo Matias; Côrtes, Maria Ilma de Souza Gruppioni; Vettore, Mario Vianna; Paludetto Júnior, Moacir; Figueiredo, Nilcema; Goes, Paulo Sávio Angeiras de; Pinto, Rafaela da Silveira; Marques, Regina Auxiliadora de Amorim; Moysés, Samuel Jorge; Reis, Sandra Cristina Guimarães Bahia; Narvai, Paulo CapelThe SBBrasil 2010 Project (SBB10) was designed as a nationwide oral health epidemiological survey within a health surveillance strategy. This article discusses methodological aspects of the SBB10 Project that can potentially help expand and develop knowledge in the health field. This was a nationwide survey with stratified multistage cluster sampling. The sample domains were 27 State capitals and 150 rural municipalities (counties) from the country’s five major geographic regions. The sampling units were census tracts and households for the State capitals and municipalities, census tracts, and households for the rural areas. Thirty census tracts were selected in the State capitals and 30 municipalities in the countryside. The precision considered the demographic domains grouped by density of the overall population and the internal variability of oral health indices. The study evaluated dental caries, periodontal disease, malocclusion, fluorosis, tooth loss, and dental trauma in five age groups (5, 12, 15-19, 35-44, and 65-74 years).Item Assessment of the mandibular symphysis of caucasian brazilian adults with well-balanced faces and normal occlusion: the influence of gender and facial type(2012-06) Arruda, Karine Evangelista Martins; Valladares Neto, José; Almeida, Guilherme de AraújoObjective: This study aimed to establish cephalometric reference values for mandibular symphysis in adults. Dentoalveolar, skeletal and soft tissue variables were measured considering the influence of gender and facial type. Methods: The sample consisted of sixty cephalometric radiographs of white Brazilian adult patients, with a mean age of 27 years and 6 months, who had not undergone orthodontic treatment and who presented well-balanced faces and normal occlusion. The sample was standardized according to gender (30 males and 30 females) and facial type (20 were dolichofacial, 20 mesofacial and 20 brachyfacial). Results: The results showed that male and female symphyses are similar, except for symphyseal height, which was greater in males. In terms of facial type, the dolichofacial group presented narrower symphysis in dentoalveolar and basal areas, with a more accentuated lingual dentoalveolar inclination. Conclusion: The brachyfacial group showed broader symphysis in the dentoalveolar and basal areas and a greater buccal dentoalveolar inclination. The projection of the chin was 6.67 mm below the subnasal vertical line and there was no significant difference between the genders or facial types.Item Assistência à saúde bucal nas creches de Goiânia(1996) Freire, Maria do Carmo Matias; Melo, Rosana BarbosaItem Association of traumatic dental injuries with individual-, sociodemographic- and school-related factors among schoolchildren in midwest Brazil(2014) Freire, Maria do Carmo Matias; Vasconcelos, Daniela Nobre; Vieira, Alessandra dos Santos; Araújo, Júlia Arantes; Moreira, Rafael da Silveira; Nunes, Maria de FátimaThe objective of this study was to assess the association of untreated traumatic dental injuries (TDI) with individual-, sociodemographic- and school-related factors among 12-year-old schoolchildren in Midwest Brazil. This cross-sectional study was carried out in 2010 in the city of Goiania, Brazil. A random sample of 2075 schoolchildren was examined and interviewed. Untreated TDI in the permanent incisors was assessed using the methodology of the Brazilian National Oral Health Survey. Rao-Scott test and multinomial logistic regression were used to analyze the associations between independent variables and three categories of TDI, using a hierarchical method. Independent variables were children’s sex, self rated color/race and size of incisal overjet, their mother’s level of schooling, and the schools’ type and geographic location. The prevalence of trauma was 17.3% (CI 95% = 15.2–19.4); enamel fractures were the most common TDI (13.1%). In the adjusted model, a higher chance of having two or more teeth with TDI was found among boys, those whose mothers had lowest level of schooling, and those attending schools located in health districts with lower socioeconomic indicators. It was concluded that the prevalence of TDI was low and that it was associated with individual factors as well as the school environments.Item Atuação da equipe de saúde bucal na estratégia saúde da família: análise dos estudos publicados no período 2001-2008(2011) Soares, Fabíola Fernandes; Figueiredo, Carla Rosa Vilela de; Borges, Neyrlene Cavalcanti Moreira; Jordão, Rodrigo Aquino; Freire, Maria do Carmo MatiasThe scope of this study was to review publications between 2001 and 2008 on the work of the Oral Health Team (OHT) in Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Brazil, seeking to establish the profile of the publications and studies that can assist in the assessment of the inclusion of oral health in the strategy. The sources were articles published in national and international journals included in the LILACS, MEDLINE and BBO databases, as well as non-indexed journals. Only those articles that addressed an assessment of the role of OHT in FHS were selected (N=20). Studies published throughout the period reveal important information, though the evaluation methodologies used in most of them do not adequately show the impact of OHT actions on the conditions and access to oral health of the population attended. Findings also indicate that the municipalities have not fully performed their oral health obligations in accordance with FHS recommendations. Furthermore, barriers and advances have been identified in the construction process in which the practices of the traditional model still dominate.