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    Ramas, raízes e resistência: uma pesquisa exploratória pela Jurema Sagrada na Cabana de Nego Gerson em Planaltina - Distrito Federal
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-09-22) Sano, Pablo Sho Freire; Mainardi, Camila; FCS/UFG; Pechincha, Monica Thereza Soares; Ferreira, Antonio Jeovani da Silva
    Jurema Sagrada is an ancient Brazilian religion of northeastern origin, initially worshiped by the native peoples of this land. It is a cult of the sacred Jurema trees, the caboclos and caboclas, enchanted ones and masters. With its own liturgy and doctrines, it uses pipes, maracas, tobacco, herbs and songs. Understanding the processes of religious diaspora that spread throughout the country, Jurema, although historically marginalized and less known, is no different. Today it is not only maintained in the northeast of Brazil, but also changes the religious environment in the Central West. This work was carried out in Planaltina/Distrito Federal and analyzes the formation and foundation of a Jurema house, its contribution to local culture, transmission of traditional knowledge, forms of resistance and contributions to a less intolerant community. To this end, I conducted an interview with Juremeiro Álvaro from Brasília, and wove dialogues with academic and documentary literature on the subject. Resulting in ideas of how this terreiro maintains itself in the face of adversity and the ways of resistance of Jurema, which go beyond the doors of a terreiro, starting with its matrix, the original peoples.
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    O impacto da organização transnacional na reinvindicação de direitos dos trabalhadores de plataforma na América Latina
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-23) Oliveira, Micaella Orlando Borges de; Lopes, Rafael Bittencourt Rodrigues; Lopes, Rafael Bittencourt Rodrigues; Martins, Aline Regina Alves; Haeming, Bruno
    The emergence and consolidation of a transnational movement among platform workers, especially in Latin America, reflects the effectiveness of the application of the Transnational Classes theory developed by Van der Pijl. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to illustrate how the transnational organization of platform workers in the Latin American region contributes to the search for better working conditions. The methodology adopted in this research incorporated the use of case study, netnography and discourse analysis to investigate the dynamics and interactions in the transnational movement of platform workers in Latin America. This study aims to enrich the understanding of the cause by highlighting that by organizing globally and sharing strategies, information and resources, platform workers aim to strengthen their negotiating positions vis-à-vis companies and governments. The building of a sense of transnational solidarity persists despite the geographical distance between these workers, driven by the need for a collective struggle and the recognition of the similarity of demands at a regional level. Therefore, this study seeks not only to analyze, but also to contribute to the movement by highlighting how the transnational organization of platform workers in Latin America plays a crucial role in improving working conditions and promoting more robust representation in labor negotiations.
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    Gerenciamento de riscos em acervos museológicos: diagnóstico e conservação no Museu de Arte de Goiânia (MAG)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-15) Oliveira, Henrique Moreira; Wilhelm, Vera Regina Barbuy; Wilhelm, Vera Regina Barbuy; Oliveira, Vânia Dolores Estevam de; Marques, Werydianna Priscila de Almeida
    Esta pesquisa participante, descritiva e analítica teve como objetivo diagnosticar o acervo museológico artístico do Museu de Arte de Goiânia (MAG) para inserção da instituição no entendimento e preocupação para sua gestão de riscos. Envolta sob a ótica da conservação preventiva, presente na cadeia operatória museológica e muitas vezes invisibilizada nas rotinas profissionais em detrimento da grande teorização, o MAG é contextualizado mediante sua importância histórica e social para Goiás e colocado em uma análise ambiental o qual se insere. Executada juntamente com a equipe de servidores da instituição, para elencar tais riscos, planejar ações para mitigá-los e propor intervenções museológicas, tem-se como metodologia, critérios observacionais do “Método ABC”, ferramenta desenvolvida internacionalmente e adotada pelas principais instituições e órgãos museológicos do Brasil. Tal metodologia, aspira encontrar hierarquicamente a possibilidade de sinistros de acordo com sua frequência e montante afetado pelos agentes de degradação de um bem musealizado. Como resultados, foram traçados princípios norteadores para uma gestão de riscos qualificada e focada, instigando a preocupação e capacitação de museólogos e recursos humanos de um museu, com a conservação preventiva. Ao final deste trabalho, sugere-se a requalificação da reserva técnica do museu de estudo, tendo em voga os atributos aplicáveis à profissão, pelo resultado do diagnóstico. A gestão de riscos, portanto, é um ato contínuo e necessário para que o museu consiga exercer sua função social na sociedade.
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    Marabaixo: leituras de um registro do patrimônio a partir das memórias e resistências das matriarcas afroamazônidas
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-13) Barboza, Tatjana Del Castillo; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Quintiliano, Marta; Souza, Rildo Bento de
    Este estudo é sobre o Marabaixo, festividade religiosa afro-brasileira, oficializada como Patrimônio Cultural do Brasil em novembro de 2018. Por meio da análise do Inventário Nacional de Referências Culturais (INRC) e do Dossiê do Marabaixo, elaborados no âmbito do Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN), e de leituras museológicas decoloniais e feministas, evidencio o que foi selecionado a respeito da patrimonialização do Marabaixo. Este trabalho possui o nascedouro da minha própria experiência entrelaçada à memória identitária amapaense, que se perpassa ao longo dos capítulos, através das narrativas. Busco demonstrar a insurgente, educativa, lúdica e intrínseca configuração do Marabaixo; focando especialmente nas matriarcas, que são as energias que movem/moveram entre séculos esta manifestação cultural e a devoção preta católica encontrada na festividade, resistindo à colonialidade, à marginalização e ao silenciamento estrutural. Assim, me fazendo da ótica da Museologia Decolonial e Feminista, invisto na valorização e protagonismos que se revelam nas pessoas fazedoras e praticantes dos patrimônios imateriais.
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    (Cis)tema: a costura da vida de pessoas trans no campo museal
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-30) Queiroz, Yan Megarom Naves de; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Silva, Barbara Yanara da; Passos, Karlla Kamylla
    Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar e refletir como a hegemonia cultural segrega grupos marginalizados como a comunidade LGBT, dando ênfase na letra T da sigla, e versando acerca das consequências da ausência dessas pessoas nos museus, instituições de arte e culturais. A cisgeneridade, a binaridade compulsória, a branquitude e o elitismo que permeiam os âmbitos museais desde o seu nascimento, afetando os modos do fazer museal e suas representações, organizadas e sistematizadas para a expulsão de forma vil e cruel da comunidade LGBT e de qualquer forma de representatividade de memória. Por meio da revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, da análise de exposições do Museu da Diversidade Sexual e da aplicação de um questionário, são tecidas considerações acerca das costuras das representatividades T no campo museal. Este trabalho mostra as ausências, mas também mostra movimentações e construções para a própria museologia, como diz a eterna Gal Costa “É Preciso estar atento e forte, não temos tempo de temer a morte”, um exercício museal compartilhado, como diz a artista Ieda Figueiró “a proposta de escolher o amor enquanto prática”.
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    “Nascemos nu o resto é drag”: o blog-Museu Drag como musealização de resistência
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-15) Costa, Joglesson Rodrigo dos Santos; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Boita, Tony Willian; Silva, Bárbara Yanara da
    Esta pesquisa visa compreender, preservar e enaltecer a cultura Drag, muitas vezes vista somente como performance artística. Proponho o Blog-Museu Drag como forma de musealizar essa cultura e de ensinar mais sobre suas nuances, abordagem ainda inédita na Museologia Brasileira. Vejo a importância de abordar esse tema porque nos anos 1980, a comunidade LGBTQIA+ sofreu um grande abalo por causa do surto de HIV/AIDS, e a cultura Drag tornou-se um espaço de resistência, de luta pela vida. Tendo em vista as incertezas do futuro, acredito que a criação do museu Drag é de grande valia para a preservação da cultura. Tenho como base teórica a Museologia Comunitária e a Museologia LGBT de Boita (2014), junto com os procedimentos da cadeia operatória de Bruno (1996), para um fazer museológico social e integrante, para toda a comunidade. Metodologicamente, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas e entrevistas com artistas, para entender a cena em Goiânia-GO. E, por fim, a produção do blog e sua exposição. A fim de mergulhar nessa cultura, faremos um pequeno passeio pelo tempo, para entender sua existência, resistência e persistência, para que hoje em dia ela seja tão aclamada pela comunidade Queer e aliados. Será apresentado, então, o Blog-Museu Drag, como um processo de musealização inovador. Nos tempos atuais, onde se fala muito de diversidade, é muito importante abordar essa cultura, para questões de reconhecimento e identificação.
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    Podcast “Memória sindical do Sint IFESGO”
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-16) Jesus, Elismar Alves de; Lisboa, Pablo Fabião; Lisboa, Pablo Fabião; Lima, Glauber Guedes Ferreira de; Martins, Lucinéia Scremin
    O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo a análise do uso da tecnologia podcast como instrumento de abordagem Museológica, partindo do entendimento que esta fer-ramenta pode contribuir para a verbalização, a conservação e a divulgação das memó-rias dos integrantes sindicalizados no Sindicato dos Trabalhadores Técnico-Administrativos em Educação das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior do Estado de Goiás (Sint-IFESGO). Para tal abordagem foram realizadas análises documentais, biblio-gráficas, literárias e dos conceitos da Museologia Social. As pesquisas foram feitas no Portal de Periódico Capes, no Google Acadêmico, em livros e no Periódico da Universi-dade Federal de Goiás com a utilização de diferentes descritores que foram definidos ao decorrer do surgimento demandas de cada tema. A organização dos capítulos inicia-se com a contextualização histórica sobre o sindicato, que teve como meta o conhecimento sobre o seu surgimento e a sua luta pelos direitos fundamentais no que se refere a digni-dade humana no setor público, em seguida traz o panorama da comunicação sindical, no que diz respeito à sua importância e a sua necessidade constante por desenvolvimento e por fim apresenta a compreensão do processo de criação e realização do Podcast da Memória do Sint-IFESGO. Estas análises permitiram identificar as potencialidades das tecnologias digitais (Podcast) e sua capacidade no alcance da comunicação via internet. A investigação e a proposta de elaboração de podcasts para dar seguimento aos Relatos Sindicais do projeto Sint-Memória, coordenado pelo Dr. Pablo Fabião Lisboa, são subsí-dios para o fortalecimento do projeto Sint-Memória. Por fim, a inovação deste estudo consiste no planejamento do Podcast da Memória Sindical do Sint-IFESGO. Propõe-se, portanto, um acervo documental digital que traga o conhecimento das vivências sindica-listas para os pesquisadores e a população, considerando as importâncias das experiên-cias adquiridas pelas pessoas ao longo dos caminhos, em relação à democratização do Brasil, disputas por igualdade de gênero e atuais conquistas do sindicalismo goiano.
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    O que queremos dizer quando falamos sobre participação? Uma análise de trabalhos com acervos etnográficos em museus brasileiros
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-29) Dias, Renata de Sousa e; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Wichers, Camila Azevedo de Moraes; Santoro, Ana Cristina de Menezes; Silva, Bárbara Yanara da
    The present work aims to analyze how work has been done with ethnographic collections in Brazilian museums, as well as the way indigenous peoples participate in these spaces. Starting from the hypothesis that participative works help in dealing with these objects, we analyzed, by means of the application of a questionnaire, the indigenous participation in five museums: the National Museum, the Emílio Goeldi Museum of Pará, the Archeology and Ethnology Museum of the University of São Paulo, the Indian Museum and the Anthropological Museum of the Federal University of Goiás. To do so, we present the term participation and its meaning in Museology, and the different levels of participation; we address museums and ethnographic collections; and we show different participatory experiences in the researched museums. Finally, it was observed that the museums presented develop activities with the indigenous at all stages of the museum operating chain, at the most diverse levels of participation, contributing to the transformation of the traditional forms of work of these institutions. However, institutional policies based on indigenous rights are still necessary só that the work is not restricted to the actions of certain professionals or specific projects.
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    Reimaginando o potencial dos museus: inovações e desafios no metaverso
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-19) Silva Filho, Jaber Caetano da; Lisboa, Pablo Fabião; Lisboa, Pablo Fabião; Silva, Michel Platini Fernandes da; Lima, Glauber Guedes Ferreira
    This work investigates the impact of the Metaverse on Museology, exploring how this new digital frontier transforms the museum experience. Central to the study is the question: "How can museums adapt to the Metaverse to transform their traditional practices into immersive and interactive experiences, while maintaining the authenticity of their collections?". The research adopts a multifaceted approach, combining theoretical review and analysis of museums in the Metaverse. The results point to a natural evolution in the digitization of museums, where the Metaverse stands out as an innovative means of reaching global audiences and democratizing cultural access. The analysis reveals potential for interactivity and engagement in the Metaverse, highlighting the importance of ergonomics, interaction design, and usability. The identified challenges include adapting traditional museum practices to the virtual environment and ensuring the authenticity of collections. The study concludes that the Metaverse offers significant opportunities for the reinvention of museums, expanding accessibility, interactivity, and cultural education, although it requires a careful approach to navigate its unique challenges. This research contributes to the field of digital museology, providing valuable insights for future innovations and practices in digital museums.
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    Adoção de crianças e adolescentes no Brasil: política pública entre a espera e a esperança
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-22) Soares, Lucas Miler de Araújo; Assis, Mariana Prandini Fraga; Assis, Mariana Prandini Fraga; Gonçalves, Eliane; Rocha, Frederico Henrique Galves Coelho da
    This work consists of a bibliographic and documentary study, aiming to critically analyze the public policy of adoption of children and adolescents in force in Brazil. The analysis was based on books, scientific articles and statistical data made available by the Brazilian Judiciary (National Adoption System - SNA). As verified, there is currently a discrepancy between the number of children and adolescents available for adoption and the number of applicants qualified for adoption, this being almost eight times greater than that. It was observed that adoption in Brazil is permeated by stereotypes and prejudices that are present in the social imaginary. These are largely responsible for the hopelessness of more than 75% of children and adolescents living in shelters, who are not adopted and leave the institutions for a world without a family, while potential adopters wait for an imaginary child who meets ideal characteristics of race, age and ability. In addition, it was observed the existence of Adoption Support Groups that work to promote a new adoption culture and thus impact the implementation of this public policy.
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    Uma análise sobre o processo de glocalização das milícias fluminenses: Liga da Justiça, Escritório do Crime e milícias da Baixada Fluminense
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-22) Ribeiro, Ana Flávia Alvim; Pfrimer, Matheus Hoffman; Pfrimer, Matheus Hoffmann; Franco, Geisa Cunha; Lopes, Rafael Bittencourt Rodrigues
    Since the consolidation of democracy after the military dictatorship, Brazil has moved towards becoming – and currently is – the country that has the highest rate of violent deaths and homicides in the world, even though it isn't involved in wars or civil conflicts (Manso, 2020 ). In the city of Rio de Janeiro, the activities of death squads date back to the period of the military regime (Manso, 2020). These groups would be baptized, from the mid-2000s, militias (Manso, 2020). “The militias fit into the international concept of organized crime” (ALERJ, 2008, p. 35) and may they appear to be an actor with influence and reverberation only at the domestic level, but it is necessary to keep in mind that organized crime is not experienced globally or transnationally, but rather as a local phenomenon (Strathern 1995, p. 179 apud Hobbs, 1998, p. 419). In other words, “organized crime is local at all points” (Latour, 1993 apud Hobbs, 1998, p. 419). Therefore, the motivation of this research is to understand the process of glocalization of the Rio de Janeiro militias, specifically the "Liga da Justiça", the "Escritório do Crime" and others located in the "Baixada Fluminense". Understanding this process will allow us to understand which connections these militias have with the international scene, how they impact it and how these connections culminate in a flow of interdependent, connected and deterritorialized networks.
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    O soft power nas relações internacionais: os fatores socioculturais como justificativa para o sucesso do fenômeno Hallyu e a diplomacia pública do governo da Coreia do Sul
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-21) Carrijo, Gabryella Alexandre Peixoto; Martins, Aline Regina Alves; Martins, Aline Regina Alves; Paula, Thais Vieira de; Franco, Geisa Cunha
    The main objective of this work is to present and analyze socio-cultural characteristics and public diplomacy of South Korea as important factors of the international success of the Hallyu phenomenon. This phenomenon was created to explain the popularization of South Korean culture in recent decades. Socio-cultural characteristics that helped expand Hallyu will be analyzed, in addition to the role of the South Korean government in using Hallyu as a political tool in its public diplomacy. There are three hypotheses previously thought for this project: (1) The traditional characteristics of Korean culture, specifically Confucianism and nationalism, are what differentiate its cultural products from those of other countries and draw attention from international audiences; (2) The Hallyu phenomenon has great potential as a soft power resource, but it was developed by the private sector, as the South Korean government only started investing in Hallyu after its success; and (3) the South Korean government is able to structure its public diplomacy efforts by having state and non-state institutions work together to promote its culture. The research methodology is based on a descriptive and exploratory approach. A bibliographic content research was carried out in order to validate (or not) the hypotheses raised here.
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    O papel da mídia jornalística na ascensão de candidatos de direita à presidência no Brasil e na Argentina (2014-2018)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-17) Lucena, Guilherme Henrique Nink; Mundim, Pedro Santos; Mundim, Pedro Santos; Franco, Geisa Cunha; Lopes, Rafael Bittencourt Rodrigues
    The present study seeks to identify how how part of the argentine and brazilian press, through the negative representation of Cristina Kirchner and Dilma Rousseff, between the years of 2014 and 2018, paved the way for the rise of the right-wing candidates Mauricio Macri and Jair Bolsonaro to the presidency, in the mandates following those of the respective former presidents. For this purpose, the socio-historical roots of the behavior of Clarín Group, in Argentina, and Globo Group, in Brazil, were studied, as well as the analysis of the main articles highlighted by Google News, during the research period. This is a qualitative, exploratory research, with an explanatory bias, which applies French Discourse Analysis by theorist Michel Pêcheux. Finally, a brief comparative analysis was carried out between the reality of the two countries, emphasizing the similarities and differences between the two manifestations of the same variable in different countries.
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    A influência e o poder da mídia na formação e personificação da opinião pública e política
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-29) Melo, Rogério Gonçalves de; Santos, Cleito Pereira dos; Santos, Cleito Pereira dos; Lameirão, Camila Romero
    This monograph aims to demonstrate, through bibliographical research, the influence of the media as mechanisms of social control, from a historical perspective based on the concepts of Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer and other authors, as well as the analysis of articles that focus on understanding this fact today. The influence of the media, manages to create a form of subjection and proliferation of a concept of subservience, which ends with the composition of a rational autocracy, transforming the individual into an instrument of propagation, where this power can control, disarticulate or dismantle systems, thus certifying that the role of the media not only establish behaviors or standards of values, but constructions of arrangements that exert influence, which moves the gears of human relations, changing their behavior in the face of decisions and definitions on aspects that corroborate for the development or delay of living in society.
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    Evolução humana? - Explorando perspectivas da empatia diante da realidade necropolítica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-23) Alves, Larissa Oliveira; Pechincha, Mônica Thereza Soares; Pechincha, Mônica Thereza Soares; Vieira, Suzane de Alencar; Mainardi, Camila
    In this work, I use the concept of empathy from the Dutch primatologist Frans de Waal, tracing reflections on his understanding of this phenomenon, which would have developed along with human evolution and that of other animals. I oppose it to necropolitics, a concept coined by the Cameroonian philosopher Achille Mbembe, and its links with the politics of race, modernity and coloniality. Within the scope of construction of scientific knowledge, imaginary and criticism of the supposed relationship between aggressiveness and human evolution, I seek to explore other logics that enable the exercise and stimulation of empathy. To do so, I highlight the Tukano genesis of the world and humans, based on the master's thesis of the indigenous anthropologist João Paulo Lima Barreto. This approach seeks to broaden our understanding of empathy, its collapse and its concrete possibilities in more diverse and plural contexts, paying attention to the need for other logics beyond modernity and necropolitics.
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    Neoliberalismo e financeirização: paradigmas da desdemocratização brasileira
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-29) Noronha, Paulo Henrique da Silva; Morais, Deyvid Santos; Morais, Deyvid Santos; Tavares, Francisco Mata Machado
    This research aims to analyze the concepts of neoliberalism, financialization, and de-democratization and how these are interconnected in a causality that shapes the political, economic, and social crises in various countries today. I argue that the advancement of neoliberalism, and as a consequence, the advancement of austerity measures and the dismantling of the welfare state, is allied with an increase in the political and decision-making power of the financial market. This has led to processes that affect representative democracy and popular participation by hindering the debate on the needs of the broader population. With this starting point, I aim to position the case of Brazil in the midst of political turbulence and pressures from a financial elite in favor of a shift towards market-oriented agendas, to the detriment of social policies. This trend became particularly pronounced from 2013 onwards and culminated in the parliamentary-judicial coup in 2016, which deepened reforms aimed at dismantling social rights. I use bibliographic materials and excerpts from the Brazilian mainstream media as a research field, shedding light on this relationship between neoliberalism, financialization, and de-democratization.
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    Refugiados venezuelanos em Goiás: o papel do governo estadual e da sociedade civil no processo de acolhimento e integração entre os anos 2018 e 2022
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-22) Silva, Carolina de Almeida; Lopes, Rafael Bittencourt Rodrigues; Lopes, Rafael Bittencourt Rodrigues; Franco, Geisa Cunha; Castro, Luciano Rodrigues
    This work seeks to understand and analyze how the reception and integration process of Venezuelan refugees in the state of Goiás took place between 2018 and 2022. In more detail, the goal is to understand the conducts and practices adopted by the governmental institutions of the state of Goiás and if these processes were adequate. Regarding the civil society in Goiás, we seek to understand its importance in the process of reception and integration of refugees, in addition to mapping which were the fronts of civil society that acted in the state between the years 2018 and 2022. To carry out this research, an exploratory research methodology was adopted, of a qualitative nature, which uses bibliographic research as a data collection technique and analyzes them through document analysis. With the information collected, it was possible to conclude that the reception process was carried out satisfactorily, mainly by civil society, but also by the state of Goiás. However, for the integration process, it was observed that the state of Goiás needs to be much more committed to policies for refugees and immigrants, as it was found, through research, that civil society action was mainly in the gaps left by the state of Goiás.
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    A representação feminina na política goiana nas eleições de 2018
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-24) Oliveira, Marianna Benjamin Cordeiro de; Lameirão, Camila Romero; Lameirão, Camila Romero; Assis, Mariana Prandini Fraga
    The present monography aims to contextualize the political history of the state of Goiás and its implications regarding the underrepresentation of women in the 2018 elections, the issue of gender isomerism concerning human rights and democratic quality. Starting from the idea that, despite the gender quota law for candidacies and incentives for female participation in political life, there are no significant numbers that affirm effective political parity in the state’s landscape. Through data analysis and arguments, we seek to contextualize the significance of the political history of the state of Goiás concerning gender equivalence in light of the laws governing women’s participation in electoral candidacies. However, despite the state’s political tradition, the collected data do not show a significant discrepancy compares to electoral data from other states in the federation.
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    O papel da mídia na construção e manutenção do racismo estrutural na sociedade brasileira
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-31) Silva, Vitória Siqueira da; Almeida Neto, Luiz Mello de; Almeida Neto, Luiz Mello de; Santos, Cleito Pereira
    It is surprising how, even in today's society, deep-rooted prejudices still exist in Brazilian society. It is even more concerning to note that there are individuals who fail to recognize the importance of this issue and do not feel obligated to be concerned about it. It is crucial that we become aware of the gravity of discrimination as it causes suffering and anguish for people and hinders a nation's progress. To illustrate this problem, one only needs to observe that every 23 minutes a young black person falls victim to homicide in Brazil. The objective of this study is to analyze how the media contributes to the perpetuation of structural racism in the country. We consider the media as a crucial tool in informing the population, as it is through the media that people acquire knowledge, form opinions, and shape their worldview. In this sense, we intend to examine the case of João Alberto Silveira Freitas and how the media portrayed him. To do this, we will analyze the content produced by the newspapers Folha de São Paulo and Estadão regarding this matter between November 19, 2020, and March 19, 2021, with a sample of 195 articles. Additionally, our work also sought to investigate how the media contributes to a culture of impunity and the maintenance of racist structures. Finally, we discuss possible strategies to combat racism through the media and highlight the main actions that people can take to minimize its negative effects.
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    Capitais do urbano: um estudo exploratório das empresas de transporte público coletivo da Região Metropolitana de Goiânia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-04) Azeredo, Pablo Alves de; Cunha, Débora Ferreira da; Cunha, Débora Ferreira da; Madeira, Gabriel Bento; Lameirão, Camila Romero
    This work aims to analyze the main characteristics and influence of public transport companies in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia, responsible for delivering public transport policy in the region, seeking a better understanding of these private agents f rom the perspective of the concept of urban capitals. To carry out this analysis, a bibliographical review, document and data analysis will be used, so that there is a better understanding of the execution of the public service, using the examples promoted in other studies on the subject, so that it serves as a parallel for the conjunction the arrangement of public transport services in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia and the possible impacts involving political, social and economic issues implicit in the topic.