Granulometria do calcário no desempenho e qualidade da casca de ovos de codornas japonesas


This experiment evaluated limestone particle size of diet on performance and shell quality of japanese quails. The experimental design used was completely randomized with five treatments (five different particle sizes of limestone) and five replicates of 16 birds each in a total of 400 birds. The treatments were: T1 – Diets with 100% of the limestone coarse; T2 – diets with 70% of limestone coarse and 30% fine; T3 – diets with 30% of limestone coarse and 70% fine; T4 - Diets with 100% of the limestone fine and T5 - Diets with 100% of medium limestone. The experimental diets were formulated to meet NRC (1994) nutritional requirements. The treatment of 100% fine particle size improved egg production and bird performance compared to the treatment with 100% medium particle size. There was no effect of limestone particle size on shell quality of quail eggs. The fine or coarse limestone particle size can be used in diets of laying quails. The medium limestone particle size is not recommended on laying Japanese quail diets.



Calcário, Granulometria, Codornas japonesas, Produção de ovos, Qualidade de casca, Limestone, Particle size, Japonese quails, Egg production, Shell egg quality


LEANDRO, Nadja Susana Mogyca; JARDIM FILHO, Roberto de Morais; BRITO, Alexandre Barbosa de; CAFÉ, Marcos Barcellos; STRINGHINI, José Henrique; GONZALES, Elisabeth. Granulometria do calcário no desempenho e qualidade da casca de ovos de codornas japonesas. Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 7, n.4, p. 381-387,out./dez. 2006. Disponível em: <>.