Descrição de duas técnicas cirúrgicas para castração de fêmeas bovinas e avaliação do pós-operatório


This study aimed to describe two surgical tecniques of cow castration and also to analize the postoperative complications occurred. 1232 bovine from different breeds and ages coming from different rural properties of Goiás State were used in this study. The animals were alloted in three groups as follows: group I consisted of 436 calves from eight to 12 months of age castrated via flank, 397 adult female including cows and calves were part of group II where the numbers of confinements varied and the sterilization followed the same method of group I. Group III was composed of 399 cows in which the access to the ovaries was through the vagina and for the castration the Chassaignac emasculator was employed. The evaluation of the surgical tecniques allowed to conclude that the approach of the ovaries through the flank was the easiest method to be executed and demanded less time for the operation. The analysis by the ?2 test indicated that the surgery through the vagina brought less postoperative complications than the one proceeded through the flank, but it presented a higher number of deaths. Considering the results, it was concluded that the method of castration through the flank was the most appropriated for the sterilization of cows.



Ovariectomia, Bovinos, Pós-operatório, Ovariectomy, Bovine, Postoperative


SILVA, Luiz Antônio Franco da; ALMEIDA, Cinara Faria; VIANA FILHO, Paulo Roberto Lucas; VERÍSSIMO, Antônio Carlos Cordeiro; RABELO, Rogério Elias; EURIDES, Duvaldo; FIORAVANTI, Maria Clorinda Soares. Descrição de duas técnicas cirúrgicas para castração de fêmeas bovinas e avaliação do pós-operatório. Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 5, n.1, p.47-53, jan./mar. 2004. Disponível em: <>.