Estabilidade de ácido ascórbico em pseudofrutos de caju-do-cerrado refrigerados e congelados

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João Batista Duarte


The stability of vitamin C was determined in refrigerated and frozen cerrado cashew apple over different storage times and with different types of packing. Cerrado cashew apple from two different regions were divided into lots (lot 1 and lot 2) and the samples were put into opaque or transparent polyethylene bags. Lot 1 was separated into two portions: one portion was refrigerated (4°C) and the other one was frozen in the freezer (-18°C) and both were stored for thirty days. Lot 2 was frozen (-18°C) for ninety days. The cashew apples were analyzed for pH, titrable acidity, moisture, soluble solids and ascorbic acid. After thirty days under refrigeration, the moisture and pH increased, whereas soluble solids, acidity titrable, and ascorbic acid decreased in comparison to the fresh cerrado cashew apple. In lot 1, the ascorbic acid content of frozen cashew apple increased in the final weeks, and the opaque bag was more efficient in preserving vitamin C. After being frozen for ninety days (lot 2), the ascorbic acid content of cashew apple was reduced by more than 60%. Freezing was more efficient in preserving ascorbic acid than refrigeration. The use of opaque or transparent bags did not affect the conservation of ascorbic acid, except for the first thirty days of freezing.



Vitamina C, Caju, Anacardium, Acondicionamento, Congelamento, Resfriamento, Cashew apple, Storage, Freezing, Refrigeration, cashew apple, Anacardium, storage, freezing, refrigeration.


SILVA, Mara Reis; SILVA; Maria Sebastiana; OLIVEIRA, Jeanne Silva. Estabilidade de ácido ascórbico em pseudofrutos de caju-do-cerrado refrigerados e congelados. Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical, Goiânia, v. 34, n. 1, p. 9-14, jan./abr. 2004. Disponível em: <>.