A fome e a globalização x a globalização da fome: causas e consequências da fome no limiar do terceiro milênio

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Maria Helena Melo Cunha Santos


The alimentation was and will always be the basic condition of the human existence. Since its birth, the humanity ehanges the nature, especially for the food obtention. The scientific knowledge ofthe food and the nutricional necessities of the human being is an important eonquest of the modem man, espeeially in the moment when only thc world's reserves offood are sufficient to guarantcc to cvcrybody more than thc minimal ncccssary diet for a normal lifo. The most legitímatc way to guarantcc an excellcnt food policy constitutes in an adcquate proccss of cconomical anel social dcvclopmcnt which cnsures job and fair rcmuncration to cvcrybody. This is a task that will bc complctely possiblc only with thc abolishmcnt ofthc socicty clividcd in social antagonic classcs.



Fome, Necessidade de comer


STACCIARINI, José Henrique Rodrigues. A fome e a globalização x a globalização da fome: causas e consequências da fome no limiar do terceiro milênio. Boletim Goiano de Geografia, Goiânia, v. 16, n. 1, p. 41-51, jan./dez. 1996. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/bgg/article/view/4318/3784>.