Diagnóstico da produção de cachaça no município de Paracatu


This study aimed to diagnose important aspects of the supply chain of cachaça of Paracatu, Minas Gerais, verifying the possible points for improvement and adaptation of the product to quality limits established by Brazilian legislation , in order to inform for producers to market their products with competitive quality, both nationally and internationally. checking the points that needed to be improved and thesuitability of the product quality limits established by legislation to allow farmers to market their product so qualitatively competitive, both nationally and internationally. To this end, there were technical visits in stills components of the Producers Association of Cachaça Region Paracatu, with interviews and a questionnaire, and collecting samples of cachaça, the 2011 harvest . These were subjected to analyzes of instrumental color parameters, alcoholic degree, solids and volatile acidity. In only 16.6 % of the properties cachaça was the main activity. Despite the technical assistance to be restricted to only 75 % of producers, only one did not meet the cachaça alcohol content and other content obtained greater than allowed by legislation dry extract. Producers although they upgrade through training require technological support and leverage to make this competitive market.



Cadeia produtiva, Mercado, Padrões de qualidade, Production chain, Marketing, Quality standards


SILVA, Fabiana L.; PERES, Nayara R. A. de A.; CALIARI, Márcio; SOARES JÚNIOR, Manoel S.; DOURADO, Kassia Kiss F. Diagnóstico da produção de cachaça no município de Paracatu. Revista Verde de Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Mossoró, v. 9, n. 2, p. 201-207, abr./jun. 2014.