Qualidade de pães com farelo de arroz torrado


The aim of this work was to evaluate the quality of breads formulated with different levels of toasted rice bran (FAT) in a mixture with wheat flour (FT). A completely randomized design was applied including one control and four treatments (7.5, 15.0, 22.5, and 30.0% substitution of FT by FAT) and three repetitions. The acceptability (appearance, texture, and flavor), specific volume, centesimal composition, and caloric value of each treatment were evaluated. Among the breads formulated with FAT, the treatment using 7.5% FAT presented the highest specific volume (3.37 cm 3 .g –1 ), which did not differ from the control treatment in terms of appearance (7.23), flavor (7.08) and texture (7.52) sensory scores. Regarding the centesimal composition, the treatment with 7.5% substitution, when compared to the control, presented an increase of 26.02% in the total dietary fiber, 34.85% in insoluble fibers, 11.26% in soluble fibers, 52.70% in lipids, 53.33% in ash, 8.21% in moisture and a reduction of 8.36% in carbohydrates, 8.85% in proteins, and 3.57% in the caloric value. Pan bread elaborated with 7.5% toasted rice bran in replacement of wheat flour could be a viable alternative to include a fiber-rich and low-calorie product in the market.



Oryza sativa L., Desenvolvimento de produtos, Subproduto, Oryza sativa L., Byproduct, Product development


SOARES JÚNIOR, Manoel Soares; BASSINELLO, Priscila Zaczuk; CALIARI, Márcio; GEBIN, Pedro Francisco Cavalcante; JUNQUEIRA, Thais de Lima; GOMES, Vinícius Almeida; LACERDA, Diracy Bethânia Cavalcante Lemos. Qualidade de pães com farelo de arroz torrado. Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, Campinas, v. 29, n. 3, p. 636-641, jul./set. 2009.