A reforma curricular do ensino médio no Cepae sob a perspectiva dos alunos


Th e High School Curricular Reform held in Cepae is problematized in this paper starting from the investigation of the students point of view. Th e implications of the choices in the questionnaire are discussed as a research tool. Th e questions in the questionnarie are presented and the collected data are recorded. Th rough this, we want to know and discuss the aims that the students point to High School; how they analyse the opportunity of choosing their own curriculum and the criterias that guide the choice of subjects; their perceptions about having classes in the afternoon and the way they assess the subject organization in the fl exible curriculum.



Ensino médio, Reforma de ensino, Currículo, Alunos adolescentes, High School, Reform, Curriculum, Teenagers


DELGADO, Andréa Ferreira; RABELO, Danilo; PEREIRA, Elizabete Francisca de Oliveira; MOURA, Ivone Gomes de Santana; SILVA, Régis Henrique dos Reis; SANTOS, Wanderley Alves dos. A reforma curricular do ensino médio no Cepae sob a perspectiva dos alunos. Revista Solta a Voz, Goiânia, v. 18, n. 2, p.135-156, 2007. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.ufg.br/sv/article/view/3408/3290.