Planejamento estratégico de relações públicas para lançamento da empresa Synestesia com foco em experiência do usuário

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This work presents the creation and Planning of Public Relations of Launch of the company Synesthesia. The company unites two approaches from the fields of design and marketing to Public Relations for its construction: User Experience and Experience Marketing. For this, research was conducted in the two areas to understand the market, services and marketing structures. The second step was to build theoretical bases to create the new approach in the field of Public Relations, using the bibliographic cut of the authors Massimo Di Felice (2009), Carlos Scolari (2013), Dora Kaufman (2015), Kotler Interaction Design Foundation "The Basics the User Experience Design" (sd). Built the foundation, Synestesia was created in what concerns all its market characteristics from the Sebrae Business Plan (2013). The launch of the company was based on Public Release Planning, where strategies were developed in online and offline environments to create five actions, which were implemented, with the exception of one action that will be carried out in 2019. This document presents the Public Relations area as a highlight for the User Experience and Experience Marketing fields, which begin to visualize the public under strategic perspectives.



Relações públicas, Planejamento estratégico, Marketing de experiência, Experiência do usuário, Mídias digitais, Public relations, Strategic planning, Experience marketing, User experience, Digital media


GOUVÊA, Amanda Araújo; COSTA, Barbara Caroline Silvestre Vaz; NOVA, Thaís Rodrigues Villa. Planejamento estratégico de relações públicas para lançamento da empresa Synestesia com foco em experiência do usuário. 2018. 227 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.