Ultrassonometria de falange no rastreio de osteoporose em mulheres adultas


Objective: To evatuate bone quality (osteossonografia) and bone quantity (osteossonometria) in a population of women in the interior of Goiás, considering the evolution of bone mass with age of the woman. Methods: The study was done at Hospital da Mulher e Maternidade Dona Íris, in Goiânia, where 123 were submitted to an ultrasonography to check the Falange, through the DBM 3G handset. The total population was divided by ages groups: 30-39 years (Group 1), 40-49 years (Group 2), 50-59 years (Group 3) and from 60 years (Group 4). Results: About the bone quantity (AD-SOS): Normal (N): ≥ -1; Osteopenia (PO): -2.5 < OP < -1; Osteoporosis (OO): ≤ -2.5, were found the following results: Group 1: 47% N, 50% PO and 3% OO; Group 2: 56% N, 34% PO and 10% OO; Group 3: 21% N, 49% OP and 30% OO; Group 4: 0% N, 26% PO and 74% OO. About bone quality (UBPI): Normal (N): ≥ 0.84; Limitary (L): 0.70 <UBPI <0.83; Inadequate (I): 0.44 <UBPI <0.70; Deteriorated (D): ≤0,44, the results were: Group 1: 10% N, 37% L, 53% I and 0% D; Group 2: 9% N, 25% L, 60% I and 6% D; Group 3 3% N, 18% L, 55% I and 24% D; Group 4: 0% N, 3% L, 16% I and 81% D. Conclusion: There was an expressive bone loss according to the age increase in quantitative and qualitative terms.



Falange, Osteoporose, Ultrassonometria, Phalanx, Osteoporesis, Ultrasonography


ANDRADE, Sara Rosa de Sousa et al. Ultrassonometria de falange no rastreio de osteoporose em mulheres adultas. Revista Goiana de Medicina, Goiânia, v. 46, n. 2, p. 15-18, 2014.