Do multiculturalismo à interculturalidade na investigação das relações de saber e poder no campo cultural da capoeira

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This work starts with a discussion which analyses, preliminarily, multiculturalism and interculturism concepts. It also establishes comprehension between both, multiculturalism as a discourse of differences, that there exists in interculturism a fundamental counterpoint and the possibility for spread of a political-pedagogical and epistemological conception, which is able to support educational knowledge production, in contexts permeated by the dynamics of encounters and confrontation between people of different cultural identities. These discussions are theoretically and empirically based in the trajectory of a group of studies of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, in the education area. Particularly, we call attention to the search process around the relation between knowledge and power in the cultural identity context. Highlighted is the Empirical field formulated after the execution of pilot courses for training popular educators in capoeira from the educational intercultural perspective. This trajectory permits demonstrating in all final considerations, that the interculturism, upon assuming the challenge of dealing with this cultural diversity, shows the following deployments: 1) it attends a politic-pedagogical conception, in other words, a way of thinking and making education, that instead of annulling conflicts, tries to deal with them, following the intercultural dialog idea; 2) a epistemological matrix, or, a manner of theorizing educational practices in scenarios characterized by cultural diversity and to produce knowledge; 3) and mediation which extrapolates the educational practices plan and potentiates references for elaborating public politics and for the coexistence in society permeated by the encounter and confrontation of different cultures.



Multiculturalismo, Interculturalidade, Saber e poder, Capoeira


REAL, Márcio Penna Corte. Do multiculturalismo à interculturalidade na investigação das relações de saber e poder no campo cultural da capoeira. Revista Pedagógica, Chapecó, v. 1, n. 28, p. 263-284, jan./jun. 2012.