Brincar de futebol também é aprender futebol: uma aproximação das obras de João Batista Freire e Alcides Scaglia a respeito do ensino do futebol no Brasil

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This work intends to make a referential approach regarding the teaching-learning of soccer in Brazil. We used as references, the book “Football Pedagogy” by João Batista Freire and the master's thesis by Alcides José Scaglia entitled: “The soccer that you learn and football you teach”. Based on these studies, we initially sought to briefly review the history of football in Brazil, seeking to understand how it became popular and the reasons why, culturally and socially, Brazilians are so passionate about football. When we talk about this topic, it is difficult to disassociate ourselves from the street environment and other informal spaces in Brazilian cities, which were, for decades, the main spaces of practice and teaching of football, as they had their own teaching methodology. For example, the street pedagogy, based on playful, creative, and spontaneous aspects that taught so well several generations of Brazilians to play and enjoy the most popular sport in this country. However, with the urbanization of cities, the streets and fields were replaced by buildings, malls, and stores. With this, there was a need for the emergence of systematized teaching spaces, in which children could play and learn soccer safely. In addition, in a second moment, in this study, the historical and social context of the emergence of these football teaching spaces in our country will be presented, as well as the pedagogical proposals used, which in most cases are very different from those found in other times on the street, thus failing, according to Freire (2006), in the social functions of the schools, which are: to teach football to everyone, to teach football well to everyone, to teach more than football to everyone and to teach how to enjoy football, functions that the street was not responsible for, but managed to perform with deeds. This study, therefore, does not intend to justify going back to the street, as a physical space for the practice and teaching of football (since this would require a reformulation of urban centers and society as a whole), but rather to bring the street, as a symbolic instrument for the classes in these little schools; using a playful, creative and pleasurable pedagogy in their classes, based on games and plays common in Brazilian culture, as proposed by Freire (2006) and Scaglia (1999).



Pedagogia do futebol, Pedagogia da rua, Escolinhas de futebol, Jogos e brincadeiras, Iniciação no futebol, Futebol e aspectos socioculturais


AMORIM, Matheus de Souza. Brincar de futebol também é aprender futebol: uma aproximação das obras de João Batista Freire e Alcides Scaglia a respeito do ensino do futebol no Brasil. 2021. 56 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.