Lançamento e imagem institucional: compassos studio de dança

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Universidade federal de Goiás


The main objective of this work is to implement the institutional image of Compassos Dance Studio from the public relations tools available to accomplish the creation of that identity and image. This study was conducted in accordance with the desire of creating a new dance studio in Goiânia, Compassos. We tried concatenate the various theories of strategic marketing with emphasis on the role that public relations exercise in creating a company, on its release and how it can be recognized in the market. Emphasis on technical and public relations actions, along with the areas of marketing and management, so that the brand has a solid launch on the market.



Relações públicas, Marca, Marketing, Public relations, Branding


ELEUTÉRIO, Janaina; OLIVEIRA, Nathana de; PAULA, Samantha de. Lançamento e imagem institucional: compassos studio de dança. 2010. 87 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)–Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.