Opinião pública nas mídias sociais: o embate entre Greenpeace e Nestlé

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This present study aims to examine the notions of public and social media from current examples. It tries to reflect on the damages that negative marks can suffer through the Internet. This project seeks to answer these following questions: How do cases of public opinion occur through social media? Can the clash between Nestlé vs. Greenpeace be configured as a contemporary case of public opinion? Understanding these issues is essential to understanding the practice of public relations today. The subject of study is the clash between Nestlé and Greenpeace started in March 2010 through an Internet video. The research methodology is based on the mapping of this struggle through social networks and through an online survey with new media users to examine public perceptions about organizational information disseminated through the network. The text is divided into three chapters: the first one aims to address the public in the mass media communication and to understand how individuals behave in groups and alone under the influence of the environment and social interactions; the second chapter seeks to understand the new forms of relationship created by digital technologies that enable new tools for Public Relations and the interference of this new phase in company or individual’s public opinion and public image; and the last chapter shows the mapping of the battle between Greenpeace and Nestlé and how the techniques of guerrilla marketing and viral advertising used by NGOs hit a company with market tradition, and also presents the research conducted over the Internet on public perceptions regarding the formation of public opinion in social media. This mapping allows us to translate and identify the presence of contemporary concepts like "cyberspace", "social networking", "social capital", and "interactivity."



Relações públicas, Opinião pública, Imagem pública, Mídias sociais, Internet, Public relations, Public opinion, Public image, Social media


LOPES, Michele Araújo. Opinião pública nas mídias sociais: o embate entre Greenpeace e Nestlé. 2010. 83 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)–Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.