Vandalismo em acervos de bibliotecas escolares

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This proceedings analysed all causes of vandalism in school libraries which have in private or public institutions in Goiania, identifying the "possible" vandal and describing this kind of users, analysing the relation between vandal people and school libraries; checking causes of vandalism when the users adquire a material from the library with the most important focus, to bring students motivation from the vandals. I looked for a collaboration of some students who enterwed in details people they knew were vandals withouth indentificate them. The basic facts which were provided promoved the comprehension of the acts from vandals which were prococated for the vandalism agents. The less interation between school library and students and the individual motivations for the possible "vandals" were the aspects mentioned in this work. The interpretation offered and these topics, refered a real action of the school library and the interation with students, the vandalism motivations, acts and the recommendation to avoid this kind of transgression act in the school libraries.



Vandalismo, Biblioteca escolar, Vandalism, School libraries


FERREIRA NETA, Izaura. Vandalismo em acervos de bibliotecas escolares. 2010. 71 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.