Desafios da comunicação interna: um estudo de caso do Sistema Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Goiás

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The maturing of enterprise communication represents a considerable leap towards narrowing the distance among that segment and the strategic processes related to organizational management. This shift was determinant for communication activities to abandon their improvisational profiles, and start being planed organically across all areas of the enterprise. Bound to management, and under the perspective of integrated communication, the area ceased to be deemed a superfluous good within corporations. Justified is, then, the energy and time spent in this work, once we consider that according to the contemporary point of view, communication has the purpose of permeating organizations as a whole, working as a cornerstone through which enterprises can reach their internally and externally visible goals. For it to be acomplished efficiently though, it becomes necessary that corporations know how to deal with a wide gamut of customers, making use of specific resources. This way, the present work fosters a scrutinization of the main dificulties faced by organizations to promote communication, specially in its internal facet. Making use of a case study and through participating observation, there have been analised the tools used by the public relations staff of the Sistema Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Goiás, in the will of checking if anywhere in time their misuse might have stand as an impeachment to an efficient communication process. By the end of this analysis, the foundations laid allowed us to state that the mutual use of tools comprehends an indispensable element of communication, for each and every one of them services certain situation or need. Besides, it becomes worth noting that, albeit nowadays technology takes part in a bulky amount of communication activities within corporations, it remains essential the existence of interpersonal relationships, kept by direct contact, face to face, as a way to potentialize and humanitize the communication, strengthening the practice of exchange and dialogue, being those the chief reasons of its very existence.



Comunicação interna, Comunicação empresarial, Sistema Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Goiás


MORENO, Isaura Carrijo Artiaga. Desafios da comunicação interna: um estudo de caso do Sistema Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Goiás. 2008. 89 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.