Aplicação de análise jurimétrica nas decisões do Tribunal de Justiça de Goiás em sede de habeas corpus: o (des)equilíbrio da balança
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The text presents research carried out at the Goias State
Court of Justice (Brazil), more specifically in the first and second Crimean
Chambers, in which, through the method of empirical study in law called
jurimetry, the statistical data of judgments and decisions in the requests
for Habeas Corpus from the respective collegiate bodies in the second
half of 2018. This article aims to demonstrate that in the collegiate of
Goiás there is a clear tendency to refute the requests for Habeas Corpus
pleaded by the defense, denying the vast majority of requests addressed
to them. Thus, it is intended to highlight the subjectivity of the Court of
Justice, which, acting in symbiosis with the Public Prosecutor’s Office, is
foreign to the balance sought by the Democratic Rule of Law. a fact that
directly affects public imprisonment policies.
Aprisionamento, Política criminal, Habeas corpus, Processo penal, Estatísticas, Democracia, Ministério Público, Garantias constitucionais, Direitos humanos, Etiquetamento, Imprisonment, Criminal policy, Criminal pro-ceedings, Statistics, Democracy, Public ministry, Constitutional guarantees, Human rights
SANTOS, Pedro Sergio dos; FERNANDES, Anderson Pablo Pereira. Aplicação de análise jurimétrica nas decisões do Tribunal de Justiça de Goiás em sede de habeas corpus: o (des)equilíbrio da balança. Revista da Faculdade de Direito da UFG, Goiânia, v. 45, n. 2, 2022. Disponível em: https://revistas.ufg.br/revfd/article/view/66418. Acesso em: 31 out. 2022.