A democracia e os direitos da minoria em Tocqueville
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Maria Cristina Vidotte Blanco Tárrega
Although democracy is a form of government that dates back to ancient times, only at the end of 18th century it became consolidated in the form recognized by contemporary political theory. It is still an imprecise idea that generates differences of opinion; however, equality and freedom are two fundamental attributes which seems to converge the democratic theorists. This idea was disseminated throughout the west consolidating equality and freedom as fundamental political and social values, true postulates which have become commonplaces. Even though, there is a question that remains unnoticed by those same people who venerates these values. It is that if they are conceptualized in a hermetically isolated form, searching for perfect equality and absolute freedom, it will inescapably lead to an insoluble conceptual tension between these two terms. For this reason, in a democratic theory, these terms should be valued simultaneously and interrelated. The specific meanings that these terms must have, need to be conciliated, but without the exclusion of one and, at the same time, the degeneration of its basic ideas. The French thinker Tocqueville believed that the balance of the democratic elements could be found through the observation of the American society of his period. Equality of conditions is the core idea of his democratic theory. It represents the possibility of self-government, it is the equality of freedom which removes any tension that might exist between the democratic values. Without discarding the requisite of decision-making by a majority, Tocqueville warns that the same- if posts dried and unconditionally, in a way that does not respect the political and theoretical limits superiors to the legislation – can , controversially, destroy the democracy.
Tocqueville, Democracia, Maioria, Tirania, Justiça, Democracy, Majority, Tyranny, Justice
CUBO JUNIOR, Valquirio; REIS, Helena Esser dos. A democracia e os direitos da minoria em Tocqueville. Revista da Faculdade de Direito da UFG, Goiânia, v. 31, n. 1, p. 225-243, jan./dez. 2007. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/revfd/article/view/12038/7992>.