Branded entertainment: a transformação do entretenimento em publicidade

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Universidade federal de Goiás


In a spectacle society, in which its forms of advertising communication have lost strength and demonstrated inefficiency, Branded Entertainment appears as an alternative to create emotional links between costumers and brands. Using the entertainment to take their messages, the organizations develop relationships more intense by integrating themselves to the life of those who trust in their positioning and proposals. This essay has the intention of showing the advertising´s actual scenario, making clear what is Branded Entertainment, its use, the environment where it is inserted and consequences for those who had decided to use this kind of strategy. With a case study of the movie Transformers, which protagonist is a vehicle of the brand Chevrolet, it will be showed the theoretical questions used, making a panorama of world´s advertising juncture.



Propaganda, Entretenimento, Branded, Entertainmen, Product placement, Branding, Marcas, Branded Entertainment, Brands, Advertising


FREIRE, João Vicente Marzagão. Branded entertainment: a transformação do entretenimento em publicidade. 2008. 111 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)–Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.