Serologic screening for Trypanosoma cruzi among blood donors in central Brazil
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The study reported here compares results obtained by blood banks screening sera for chagasic
(Txypanosoma cruzi) infecfion with results obtained by the Chagas’ Disease Reference
Laboratory of the Federal University of Goia’s in GoiJnia, Brazil. If also evaluates results
obtained using the ELISA technique to screen the study sera. The survey used dafa from six
of eight blood banks serving the city of Goirinia, an urban region of Central Brazil where
Chagas’ disease is highly endemic. The survey population consisted of 1,513 voluntary firsttime
blood donors whose donations occurred between Ocfober 1988 and April 1989. This
group included 50% of all the first-time blood donors in that period.
The six participating blood banks, which accounted for about 90% of all blood donations
in Goilinia during the study period, routinely used indirecf hemagglutination (IHA) and
complemenf fixafion (CF) tests to screen sera for antibodies to T. cruzi. Comparison of the
resulfs provided by fhe blood banksw ith the referencela boratory’s resulfs indicated a relative
sensifivity of 77%, which ranged from 50% to 100% depending on the blood bank studied.
The comparison, which found 12 false negative resulfs, indicated that transfusions of infected
blood might have occurred despite the serologic screening performed by the blood banks.
Relative fo the standard of posifivity established for the study, the enzyme-linked immunosorbenf
assay (ELISA) technique was found to have a sensifivify of 96.3%. Considering
as pbsitive only those seray ielding positive IHA and indirect immunofluorescence(I IF) test
results, the ELISA techniquey ielded 2 false negative and 41 false posifive responsesA. mong
the 41 were 34 sera found positive by the ELISA technique alone. These results point to a
need for assessing the costs and benefits of introducing the ELISA technique in parallel with
blood banks’ serologic fesfing and underscore the desirability of establishing a coherent overall
system for moniforing the screening of donated blood for T. cruzi infecfion.
ANDRADE, A. L. S. Sgambatti de; MARTELLI, C. M. T.; LUQUETTI, A. O.; OLIVEIRA, O. S. de; SILVA, S. Almeida e; ZICKER, F. Serologic screening for Trypanosoma cruzi among blood donors in central Brazil. Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organization, Washington, v. 26, n. 2, p. 157-164, 1992.