Aplicabilidade tecnológica da marmelada-de-cachorro (Alibertia sessilis Schum.)
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Dog marmalade (Alibertia sessilis Schum.) Is a fruit typical of the Brazilian Cerrado, but little
explored, either by the local population or by the scientific community. The objective of this
work was to verify the technological use of this fruit in the form of fruit jam, sweet mass, fruit
in syrup and nectar. Evaluations of centesimal composition, pH, soluble solids and total
titratable acidity were performed as a characterization of the developed products. The products
presented low levels of protein, ash and lipids, as well as high carbohydrate contents and total
energy value, similar to commercial products derived from fruits. Therefore, the dog marmalade
was shown to be applicable to the industrialization in the form of sweets and beverages, adding
value to the fruit, divulging it to the other regions of the country.
Cerrado, Doce em massa, Compota, Néctar, Geleia, Jam, Nectar, Sweet, Fruit in syrup
SILVA, Thays Lorrayne Lavrinha e et al. Aplicabilidade tecnológica da marmelada-de-cachorro (Alibertia sessilis Schum.). Revista Brasileira de Produtos Agroindustriais, Campina Grande, v. 15, n. 3, p. 263, 2013