Processamento da ração no desempenho de juvenis de jundiá (rhamdia voulezi) cultivados em tanques-rede
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José Henrique Stringhini
The aim of this study was to evaluate the zootechnical
performance and chemical composition of Rhandia
voulezi juveniles fed with mash, pelleted and extruded
diets and reared in cages. One hundred and fifty fish were
distributed into 15 net cages (0.20 m³), arranged in 5m³
net cages, in the hydroelectric plant of Governador José
Richa, in Iguaçu River (Paraná-Brazil). The fish were fed
five times a day, with mash, pelleted and extruded diets,
containing 30% of protein and 3,250 Kcal/kg of digestible
energy/kg. At the end of 60 days, significant differences
(p<0.05) were observed on fish performance. The fish that
were fed with pelleted diet presented higher average of
final weight (44.08g), final length (16.51cm) and weight
gain (36.65g). The different processes did not influence
fish survival. The averages of protein and mineral matter
of carcass chemical composition did not differ statistically
(p<0.05), while the values of humidity and lipids
presented differences among treatments. The highest
average of lipids (8.59%) was observed in pelleted diet.
The mash diet provided fish with lower lipids (5.45%) and
higher humidity (75.98%) rates. A pelleted diet is more
suitable for juvenile catfish R. voulezi reared in cages.
Alimentação, Aquicultura, Espécie nativa, Aquaculture, Feeding, Native species
REIS, Elenice Souza; FEIDEN, Aldi; BOSCOLO, Wilson Rogério; FREITAS, Jakeline Marcela Azambuja de; ZAMINHAN, Micheli; MAHL, Ilson. Processamento da ração no desempenho de juvenis de jundiá (rhamdia voulezi) cultivados em tanques-rede. Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 13, n. 2, p. 205-212, abr./jun. 2012. Disponível em: <>.