Uretroplastia experimental de substituição em cães com segmentos homólogos de artéria carótida conservada em glicerina
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José Henrique Stringhini
With the aim of searching an alternative for urethral
reconstruction, in this study we evaluate the urethroplasty
made with homologous carotid artery, conserved in 98%
glicerine, in ten dogs submitted to a partial urethra
ressection. The animals were evaluated during 35 days (two
dogs), 17 days (one dog) and from 3 to 12 days (seven
dogs), according to the alterations which occurred during
the postoperative period. The main complication observed
was the urethrocutaneous fistula formation between the
3rd and 17th postoperative day, associated to hemorrhage in the extremeties of the grafts. Among the animals
evaluated during 35 days, one had unimpaired urethra with
normal void stream and other had diminished stream due
to the partial obstruction of the urethra by epithelial
hiperplasia. In both cases, the limits graft-reception site
coudn’t be seen. Even at the fistula cases the patch seemed
to be totally integrated to the reception site indicating
adequate stabilization of the material. At the radiological
studies no sthenosis were observed.The histology showed
hemorrhage sites, metaplasia, neutrophils, macrophages,
and fibroblasts. Plasmocits were present in only one case
and they were not related to any hyperimmune reaction.
The main conclusions are that the homologous segments
of the carotid to the urethroplasty in dogs promotes a great
amount of fistulas, postoperative hemorrhage and epithelial
hiperplasia on the inner surface of the graft.
Uretra, Uretroplastia, Carótida homóloga, Glicerina, Cão, Urethra, Urethroplasty, homologous carotid, Glicerin, Dog
PAULO, Neusa Margarida; FISCHER, Peter; MATOS, Moema Pacheco Chediack; CONCEIÇÃO, Maria da; FREITAS, José de Sousa; SILVA FILHO, Wilton Adriano da; BRITO, Wânia Clélia dos Reis; AMARAL, Andréia Victor Couto do. Uretroplastia experimental de substituição em cães com segmentos homólogos de artéria carótida conservada em glicerina. Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 1, n. 1, p. 65-71, jan./jun. 2000. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/vet/article/view/235/199>.