Características físicas de solo sob área de preservação permanente, horta e cafezal
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This work was developed in a soil on the following treatments: Permanent
Preservation Area (PPA) in recovery of native Cerrado in consortium with green
manures, vegetable garden in Agroecology and Sustainable Production System
(ASPS) and coffee plantation two years old where the cultivated species is Coffea
arabica. The species of tree of PPA is Apeiba tibourbou, Dipteryx alata, Inga feuillei,
Byrsonima crassifolia, ulmifolia Guazuma and Caryocar brasiliense intercropped with
Cajanus cajan, Crotalaria juncea and S. Capitata-80 %/S. Macrocephala-20%. In
October 2013, the garden had ASPS Brassica rapa var . nipposinica, Lactuca sativa,
Coriandrum sativum, Cajanus cajan, Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata and Lactuca
sativa var. crispa. In this system no chemical fertilizers are used, and only the
production of the base compound. In all three treatments, undisturbed soil samples in
which penetrometrias were performed using impact penetrometer were collected.
The samples were taken for determination of density, porosity and soil texture. The
analyzes were performed at the Laboratory of Soil Physics, Agronomy School,
Federal University of Goias, being held between October 2013 and January 2014.
The textural class of treatments was classified as silty franc, the percentage of clay,
sand and silt for the ASPS was 10.44, 45.88 and 43.67 %, for the plantation 16.62,
44.06, 39.30 PPA% and 16.35, 43.66, 39.97 %. The results show that the area was
less resistant to penetration was ASPS, besides having higher values for the total
porosity, moisture and soil density. The values of penetration resistance, total
porosity, moisture and bulk density for PPA plantation and not statistically different,
these data show that, despite being a recovery area, PPA presents with marked
deterioration. The same occurs in the plantation where the soil had become
compacted and much smaller pores, which may be detrimental to its development.
Estrutura do solo, Sistemas abióticos, Qualidade do solo, Abiotic systems, Soil quality, Soil structure
COSTA, Lays Fabiana dos Santos; FERREIRA, Evaldo de Melo; CORRECHEL, Vladia. Características físicas de solo sob área de preservação permanente, horta e cafezal. Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 10, n. 8, p. 794-803, 2014.