O sintoma e sua atualidade a partir da obra freudiana: articulações entre cultura, sofrimento e mal-estar

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This paper discusses the construction of the notion of symptom in the works of Sigmund Freud, as well as brings an articulation of the symptom with culture, suffering and uneasiness. Thus, the general objective is to investigate the concept of symptom from Freud's work and what it tells us about the relationship between the subject and culture, including today. In order to reach the objective, it was defined that the investigation has a qualitative character, in which a bibliographic research on the theme was done, so that we could have a wide literature to weave an articulation between symptom, uneasiness, and culture. Having this, it was possible to realize that when we went through the Freudian works about the notion of symptom, we verified that it carries a rationality of the unconscious. Besides, it communicates something, that is, it is understood as language, and relates to the subject's life story. Since its meaning is not always easily grasped, intense analytical work is often necessary for its unveiling, in other words, to be brought to consciousness. About the articulation between symptom, suffering, culture, and uneasiness nowadays, we see that the mode of economic production affects the forms of subjectivation, specifically, the neoliberal model that defines a standardization of behavior, denies the revolt contained in suffering and its legitimacy, and raises the discourse of a supposed happiness, emptying the space for debate and discontent with the institutions. Furthermore, uneasiness is a human condition, impossible to extirpate, precisely because human beings do not have an innate place, we are results of social constructions that make us who we are



Sintoma, Freud, Atualidade, Symptom, Freud, Actuality


JESUS, Muryel Domingos de. O sintoma e sua atualidade a partir da obra freudiana: articulações entre cultura, sofrimento e mal-estar. 2022. 64 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.