Comunicação professor aluno: múltiplas inquietações, múltiplos olhares


The aim of this paper is to discuss from multiple perspectives, multiple concerns experienced in the classroom on the communication processes between teacher (s) and student (s), here treated as individuals. However, these experiments place beyond the classroom each and occur more generally in the classroom most teachers. The result of these considerations built in multiplicities (looks and concerns) also lead to multiple interpretations. What about classroom multicultural and multilingual? Will all the classrooms are not to some extent multicultural and multilingual, because of the view that we live in a multifaceted society, different? Or not the multitude of content, factor in the position of each teacher, to improve our communication skills?



Diferença, Relação acadêmica, Interpretação, Differences, Relations, Interpretation


BRAGA, Claudomilson Fernandes et al. Comunicação professor aluno: múltiplas inquietações, múltiplos olhares. Revista Anhanguera, Goiânia, v. 11, n. 1, p. 111-138, jan./ dez. 2011.