Infecções agudas do sistema nervoso central (SNC) e doença meningocócica em Goiás. (1971-1994)
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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior
This work reports lhe occurrence of 9.888 hospitalized cases in Goiânia, in
which 4.027 (40,73%) originated from the Capital and 5.861 (59,27%) from small
towns nearby in the State of Goiás. This number represents 56,96% of the notitled
cases (17.359). Bacterial infections were 4.149 (41,96%), 3.103 (31,38%) werc
menhigucoccal disease and 2.636 (26,66%), the aseptic form. Among the bacterial
ones, the etiologic agent was isolated only in 980 (23,62%) as follows: Haemophvlux
influenzae, 41 1 (9,91%), Streptococcus pneumoniae, 359 (8,65%), Staphylococcus xp.,
151 (3,64%) and Streptococcus sp. 59 (1,42%). Antibiotics administration before
hospitalization were investigated in cerebrospinal fluid of 278 patients and detected in
33 (11,87%). Among the aseptic ones, 80 (3,03%) were classifled as tuberculous,
according to the clinicai, radiological and epidemiological fíndings. The attempts to
identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis in cerebrospinal fluid by microscópica!
examination and cultures were unsuccessful. In 37 (1,40%) of the clear cerebrospinal
fluids, Cryptococcus neoformans were identified and isolated buí they were not related
to AIDS. Neisseria meningitidis were identified and isolated in 2.950 (95,07%)
patients by microscopical examination, culture and/or counterimmuneletrophoresis. In
153 (4,93%) patients, meningococcal disease was classified according to the clinicai
findings. Hemorrhagic cutaneous injuries with or without vascular shock. 4.438
(44,88%) were under five years old. The death rate was bigger in patients over fifly
(28,82%) than in children under five years old (27,12%).
Meningites, Meningococcemia, Meningitis, Meningococcemiae
SCHMIDT, Sydney. Infecções agudas do sistema nervoso central (SNC) e doença meningocócica em Goiás. (1971-1994). Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 24, n. 1, p. 70-92, jan./jun. 1995. Disponível em: <>.