O estágio supervisionado em química: possibilidades de vivência e responsabilidade com o exercício da docência


Goias state schools include elective courses in its organizational structure for the high school. From this possibility, student teachers in Chemistry at UFG, in conjunction with the teacher and conductor of the school teachers form the degree course, offered an elective course in Experimental Science. During the course were analyzed aspects linked to the initial training stage using the participatory research and research methodology. Questionnaires were given to trainees in order to understand how this development proposal stage contributed to the construction of teacher knowledge. In the analysis two categories emerged: the experience with the practice of teaching and teacher responsibility. In the first category we identified a greater experience of the trainees and the importance of the pedagogical knowledge of content. In the second category we observed the fact that the trainees experiencieng the awareness and value judgment pervading sense of professional responsibility. Thus, it was possible to understand the stage as a space for reflection and construction of teacher knowledge from the development of a discipline.



Disciplina optativa, Estágio docente, Formação de professores, Eletive courses, Initial training stage, Teachers degree


GARCEZ, Edna Sheron da Costa et al. O estágio supervisionado em química: possibilidades de vivência e responsabilidade com o exercício da docência. Alexandria, Florianópolis, v. 5, n. 3, p. 149-163, nov. 2012.