Prevalência e caracterização de forame no osso esterno humano


The sternum is an area of frequent anatomical variations and can be observed from different methods such as dry bones, images and autopsies and the presence of the foramen has been associated with possible risks in various clinical activities. We evaluated 28 Sterna bones of indeterminate gender, randomly selected, the acquis of the ossuary of the Department of Morphology of the Federal University of Goiás The findings were documented photographically and data were tabulated and compared to those described in literature. The material was handled for the presence of sternal foramen, has measured up the longitudinal diameter (vertical) and transverse (horizontal) foramina present and description of its features. The analysis of the data, the overall result was expressed by frequency and percentage of bones with anatomical variations of the foramen. The longitudinal dimension of the sternal foramen presented with change of 0.3 to 0,9cm, with an average size 0,65cm (Table 1), which is of less than 1.1 cm on record. Since the transverse diameter showed the average size of 0,53cm, resembling other records. The sternal foramen is mainly presented in the round and oval shapes, with a slightly higher percentage ever reported, which reinforces the description of the sternal bone as an anatomical area of frequent variation, and reinter additional care in medical procedures involving the sternal area.



Morfologia, Forame esternal, Acupuntura, Morphology, Sternal foramen, Acupuncture


REBELO, Ana Cristina Silva; MATA, João Roberto da; MATA, Fabiana Ribeiro da; MOREIRA, Paulo César; FIGUEIREDO, Augusto Cesar Ribeiro; VALE, Arthur Ferreira do. Prevalência e caracterização de forame no osso esterno humano. Revista UFG, Goiânia, v. 15, n. 15, dez. 2014. Disponível em: