Paraciclismo x Yowamushi Pedal : uma análise sobre as problemáticas presentes no animê promocional dos Jogos Paralímpicos de Tóquio 2020 e suas possibilidades na educação física escolar

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The Paralympic Games play a major social role in promoting visibility and debate about the inclusion and exclusion of people with disabilities in society. The way in which the athletes are represented in the media and advertisements about the event is a factor that influences the type of image displayed by the competition, which can be one that helps the process of inclusion or one that reproduces prejudiced discourses against people with disabilities. With this in mind, the aim of this study was to analyze the problematics present in Para cycling x YOWAMUSHI PEDAL that is the seventh episode of Animation x Paralympic, an anime produced as promotional video for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. This is a qualitative study based on the principles of Content Analysis, in which we analyzed how the athletes were portrayed in this media, whether they maintained the stereotypes and stigmas present in past portrayals, or whether they proposed a different way of representation, and also the possible insertions of it within School Physical Education.. It was possible to verify that the representations found in the episode analyzed were aimed at building an image that focuses on the athlete's potentialities and physical performance, which were portrayed in a realistic way. Paralympic sports was also prominent in the narrative, highlighting its role in the visibility and social inclusion of people with disabilities. We also observed an absence of the social context and the role of the state in the narrative, which may place the responsibility solely on individuals. We conclude that the episode analyzed presents a positive portrayal of an athlete with disbility, making it a representation that advances the discourse and debate on inclusion and distances itself from some of the stereotypes present in the Paralympic media and advertisements, however, the episode still presents some common stereotypes towards people with disabilities in its narrative. We also emphasize its potential in School Physical Education, through mediation directed at forming students capable of engaging in critical dialogue and producing responses to the messages conveyed in the media, which can lead to a process of deconstruction and resignification of prejudiced ideals and dialogue with possibilities for the inclusion of diversity as well acknowledge potential within corporal diversity, and in sports diversity.



Jogos Paralímpicos, Animê e mangá, Representação das pessoas com deficiência, Educação física escolar, Paralympic Games, Anime and manga, Portrayal of people with disability, School physical education


TAVEIRA, Artur Alves de Bastos. Paraciclismo x Yowamushi Pedal : uma análise sobre as problemáticas presentes no animê promocional dos Jogos Paralímpicos de Tóquio 2020 e suas possibilidades na educação física escolar. 2023. 112 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Educação Física) - Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.