Avaliação de alguns aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos de cultivares de milho pipoca (zea mays L.)
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Antônio Henrique Garcia
This study was carried out at Escola de Agronomia of Universidade Federal de Goiás in 1992/93 agricultural year with the purpose of evaluating popcom cultivars for Goiânia-GO region. Toe assay had 19 treatments on a randomized complete design block with 4 repetitions. Cultivars of Popcom National Assay co-ordinated by CNPMS/EMBRAPA as following: H-16, CMS 42 C-1, CMS 42 C-11, CMS 43 C-1, CMS 43 C-11, UNB-2, PIRAPOCA EPAMIG, ZÉLIA-OI, SAM (STA. CECÍLIA), ROGO POP 1, ROGO POP 2, ROGO POP 3, MF 1001, MF 1002, GO 100-P, COLORADO POP 1, COLORADO POP 2, RS-20 E BR-440 were used. It was evaluated plant height and first ear insertion height, sick plants percentage, ear index, final stand, gra
inlha yeld and popping expansion capacity index (E.C.). Toe H-16 cultivar l?resented the highest·grain yeld (2928 kg/ha) but low E.C. (11,9). Toe tripie hybrid ZELIA-01 had good performance with 22,1 E.C. and 1770kg/ha. This yeld was 12% higher than the pattern cultivar SAM (STA. CECILIA) with 1492kg/ha and 15,5 P.E. lt was found high positive correlation among yeld and fernale flowering date, ear index and plant and ears height. Popping expansion capacity did not present any correlation among P.E. and another studied characters.
Milho-de-pipoca, Cultivar, Zea mays, Popcorn, Cultivar
XIMENES, Paulo Alcanfor; TORRES, Maria Célia Lopes; PACHECO, Cleso Antonio Patto; COUTO, Danilo. Av aliação de alguns aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos de cultivares de milho pipoca (zea mays L.). Anais da Escola de Agronomia e Veterinária, Goiânia, v. 25, n. 2, p. 115-121, jul./dez. 1995. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/pat/article/view/2914/2961>.