Evolução do Pronaf no estado de Goiás: tendência de concentração de investimentos em atividades pecuárias tradicionais
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Este artículo examina la aplicación del crédito del Programa Nacional de Fortalecimiento de la Agricultura
Familiar (Pronaf) en el Estado de Goiás. Se admite como hipótesis el direccionamiento de las inversiones
para actividades tradicionalmente financiadas por el crédito rural y para municipios que presentan mayor
dinamismo económico. Los datos recogidos entre los años 2005 y 2017 revelan que la suma invertida en
Goiás aumentó sensiblemente, mientras que el número de contratos cayó a la mitad. Este fenómeno revela
la concentración de recursos en manos de los agricultores que ya acceden al Pronaf. En cuanto a la actividad
financiada, hubo aplicación prioritaria en actividades ganaderas tradicionalmente financiadas. Los diez
municipios que accedieron a las mayores sumas del Pronaf en Goiás entre los años de 2013 y 2017 tuvieron
el recurso aplicado principalmente en la ganadería y, en determinados años, algunos municipios accedieron
apenas a recurso ganadero. Es posible concluir que la tendencia a la valorización de actividades productivas
tradicionales impulsada por el Pronaf tiene como efecto incentivar la especialización productiva entre los
agricultores familiares, así como pasó durante el período de la modernización conservadora de la agricultura.
Este fenómeno, fomentado por los propios agentes mediadores de la aplicación de recursos (sistema bancario y asistencia técnica) acaba por excluir al público objetivo del programa. A largo plazo este enfoque podrá
contribuir al proceso de reconcentración agraria en el país.
This paper assesses how the credits provided by the National Program to Strengthen Family Farming (Pronaf) have been applied in the State of Goiás. The research hypothesis is that funds are targeted at traditionally funded farming activities and channeled to municipalities with greater economic dynamism. Data collected between 2005 and 2017 reveal that the amount applied in Goiás increased considerably, while the number of contracts fell by half. This phenomenon reveals the concentration of resources in the hands of farmers who traditionally access Pronaf. As for the financed activity, there was a priority investment in traditionally financed livestock activities. The ten municipalities that accessed the highest mounts of Pronaf in Goiás between 2013 and 2017 invested mainly in livestock farming. In some years, some municipalities only accessed funds for investments in livestock. Pronaf’s focus on traditional livestock activities encourages productive specialization among family farmers, as happened during the period of the conservative modernization of agriculture. This phenomenon, promoted by the governmental agencies implementing the program (both the banking system and the technical assistance agencies) ends up excluding the target audience of the Program. In the long term, this approach may contribute to the ongoing process of farm consolidation.
This paper assesses how the credits provided by the National Program to Strengthen Family Farming (Pronaf) have been applied in the State of Goiás. The research hypothesis is that funds are targeted at traditionally funded farming activities and channeled to municipalities with greater economic dynamism. Data collected between 2005 and 2017 reveal that the amount applied in Goiás increased considerably, while the number of contracts fell by half. This phenomenon reveals the concentration of resources in the hands of farmers who traditionally access Pronaf. As for the financed activity, there was a priority investment in traditionally financed livestock activities. The ten municipalities that accessed the highest mounts of Pronaf in Goiás between 2013 and 2017 invested mainly in livestock farming. In some years, some municipalities only accessed funds for investments in livestock. Pronaf’s focus on traditional livestock activities encourages productive specialization among family farmers, as happened during the period of the conservative modernization of agriculture. This phenomenon, promoted by the governmental agencies implementing the program (both the banking system and the technical assistance agencies) ends up excluding the target audience of the Program. In the long term, this approach may contribute to the ongoing process of farm consolidation.
Crédito rural, Agricultura familiar, Políticas públicas, Política agrícola, Agricultura campesina, Políticas públicas, Política agrícola, Rural credit, Family farming, Public policy, Agricultural policy
CORCIOLI, Graciella. Evolução do Pronaf no estado de Goiás: tendência de concentração de investimentos em atividades pecuárias tradicionais. Boletim Goiano de Geografia, v. 39, e56141, 2019.