A fabricação do dispositivo da educação integral na ordem do discurso da educação brasileira
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In this paper, I discuss the process of fabrication of the integral education apparatus (DEI)
in the order of discourse of Brazilian education, from three historical moments: EI in Anísio Teixeira, EI
in Darcy Ribeiro and the Mais Educação Program. Next, I analyze some devices that sustain the DEI in
the discursive network of our time. The theoretical line adopted in the work is the perspective of Discourse
Analysis with affiliation in Michel Foucault, which discusses themes such as discourse, can/know/ truth,
which are elements that permeate and constitute a device (FOUCAULT, 1979, 1995, 2002a, 2003, 2008,
2014). I adopt qualitative, bibliographic and documentary research in the study (DENZIN e LINCOLN,
2006; GIL, 2002, SEVERINO, 2007). From our analyses, we infer that integral education has echoed at
various moments in our history, responding to certain historical urgencies and assuming different
strategies at each of these moments. Moreover, because it has become a device of control, it seeks to capture
subjectivities and control marginalized subjects and childhoods.
Educação integral, Análise de discurso, Dispositivo, Integral education, Discourse analysis, Apparatus
MOURA, Rodrigo Milhomem de; COSTA, Alexandre Ferreira da. A fabricação do dispositivo da educação integral na ordem do discurso da educação brasileira. Interletras, Dourados, v. 9, n. 34, p. 1-18, out./mar. 2022.