O mapa no ensino de Geografia: uma análise do trabalho docente em Madrid (Espanha) e em Goiânia (Brasil)
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
El artículo presenta los resultados de una estancia postdoctoral que tuvo como objetivo
analizar el uso del mapa, en tanto lenguaje cartográfico para contribuir a la educacióngeográfica, en la enseñanza obligatoria y superior en Madrid (España) y Goiânia (Bra sil). La metodología cualitativa consistió en la realización de entrevistas semiestructu radas a un grupo de profesores de las dos regiones. El resultado muestra la importancia
del uso del mapa en el aula desde la perspectiva del pensamiento espacial para los
docentes españoles, mientras que los docentes brasileños relacionan el mapa con las
lecturas y prácticas de la vida cotidiana. Asimismo, se ha comprobado que en la for mación inicial del profesorado existe un uso de la cartografía vinculada a la perspectiva
euclidiana. El planteamiento docente se relaciona con una enseñanza del mapa desde
los contenidos conceptuales cartográficos. Esta investigación pretende identificar las
semejanzas y diferencias entre los docentes a lo largo de la enseñanza, tras el análisis
que conduce a orientar la implementación del lenguaje cartográfico en el aula.
This text paper shows refers to the postdoctoral internship that had as its goal the anal ysis of how Geography teachers from Childhood to Higher Education deal with the map as cartographic language in their classes in Madrid (Spain) and in Goiânia (Bra zil), from the perspective of contributing to the geographic education. With that pur pose in mind, interviews were conducted with a reduced group of working teachers from different scholar levels. As a result, it was noticed that the map has been valued in these teachers’ Geography classes, however, mainly from the perspective of the spa tial thought by Spanish teachers, whereas Brazilian teachers link the map to daily read ings and practices. Yet, as these teachers’ academic training was heavily tied to Car tography in an Euclidian perspective, the work with maps revealed itself greatly asso ciated with the teaching of cartographic subjects. It is expected to identify similarities and differences between these teachers’ practices with this study, as well as to better guide the work with the cartographic language in Geography classes using the obtained analyses.
This text paper shows refers to the postdoctoral internship that had as its goal the anal ysis of how Geography teachers from Childhood to Higher Education deal with the map as cartographic language in their classes in Madrid (Spain) and in Goiânia (Bra zil), from the perspective of contributing to the geographic education. With that pur pose in mind, interviews were conducted with a reduced group of working teachers from different scholar levels. As a result, it was noticed that the map has been valued in these teachers’ Geography classes, however, mainly from the perspective of the spa tial thought by Spanish teachers, whereas Brazilian teachers link the map to daily read ings and practices. Yet, as these teachers’ academic training was heavily tied to Car tography in an Euclidian perspective, the work with maps revealed itself greatly asso ciated with the teaching of cartographic subjects. It is expected to identify similarities and differences between these teachers’ practices with this study, as well as to better guide the work with the cartographic language in Geography classes using the obtained analyses.
Mapa, Linguagem cartográfica, Ensino de Geografia, Formação de Professores, Lenguaje cartográfico, Enseñanza de la Geografía, Formación de profesorado, Map, Cartographic language, Geography teaching, Teachers’ academic training
RICHTER, Denis; GARCIA DE LA VEGA, Alfonso. O mapa no ensino de geografia: uma análise do trabalho docente em Madrid (Espanha) e em Goiânia (Brasil). Ateliê Geográfico, Goiânia, v. 13, n. 3, p. 46–65, 2019. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.ufg.br/atelie/article/view/60860.