Ensino de química e a ciência de matriz africana: uma discussão sobre as propriedades metálicas


This study analyzed extracts from speeches, audioand video- taped and transcribed in 492 shifts of an educational intervention (EI) in chemistry teaching, involving a discussion with students about racism, the historical roots of racism in Brazil from the African diaspora and chemical concepts encompassed in the study of metal properties, thus contributing to the implementation of law 10639/03 in Chemistry teaching. The contextualization of EI was performed using imagery resources on racism in Brazil. The results showed that students have appropriated the concepts explored in the pedagogical intervention. The EI represented a chance of teaching from the African matrix science and deconstructing the hegemonic vision of science: white, European, male and laboratorial.



Ensino de química, Lei 10.639/03, Diáspora africana no Brasil, Chemistry teaching, Law 10.639/03, African diaspora in Brazil


BENITE, Anna M. Canavarro et al. Ensino de química e a ciência de matriz africana: uma discussão sobre as propriedades metálicas. Química Nova na Escola, São Paulo, v. 39, n. 2, p. 131-141, maio 2017. DOI: 10.21577/0104-8899.20160069. Disponível em: http://qnesc.sbq.org.br/edicao.php?idEdicao=70. Acesso em: 22 maio 2023.