Situação atual do banco de DNA de recursos genéticos animais no Brasil


Ex situ conservation include the cryopreservation of genetic material: semen, oocytes, embryos, somatic cells and DNA (FAO, 1998). Although, it is not possible to regenerate whole animals from isolated DNA, it has been proved that DNA banking was useful in population genetic studies and epidemiological investigations. The Animal Genetics Laboratory (AGL) at Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology - Cenargen, Brasília - DF, Brazil, works with genetic characterization of animal populations that belong to the Brazilian conservation program. At the same time, a DNA Bank is being set up, which already has samples from several animals species. The DNA was extracted from cryopreserved leukocyte pellets or buffy coats. After extraction it was quantified and checked for its integrity and quality. Each specimen extracted was divided in at least two samples. One of them was used for characterization studies (-20°C) while the other was stored at - 80°C at the DNA bank. All animals that were collected received a code number and were catalogued in a data bank where all the available information was registered. The refinement of molecular biology techniques increase the usefulness of banked material that will provide a ready reservoir of valuable scientific information. At this time, the AGL DNA bank has specimens of several breeds of six domestic species. Most of these breeds are in risk of extinction and are involved in the Conservation Program of Embrapa/ Cenargen. DNA banking is proving to be useful for characterization of domestic animal populations that are in Brazilian conservation program. In near future, it might be the method of choice when many representatives of a breed are to be stored.



Banco de DNA, Genética da conservação, DNA Bank, Conservation genetics


EGITO, A. A.; ALBUQUERQUE, M. S. M.; CASTRO, S. T. R.; PAIVA, S. R.; MARQUES, J. R. F.;McMANUS, C. M.;MARIANTE, A. S.; ABREU, U. G. P.; SANTOS, S. A.; SERENO, J. R. B.; FIORAVANTI, M. C. S.; VAZ, C. M.; NOBRE, F. V.; CARVALHO, J. H.; COSTA, M. R.; RIBEIRO, M. N.; LARA, M. A. C. Situação atual do banco de DNA de recursos genéticos animais no Brasil. Archivos de Zootecnia, Córdoba, v. 54, n. 206-207, p. 283-288, 2005.