O professor de matemática e a produção de saberes sobre a gestão curricular

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This article sees the teacher as an actor in a community of practice (LLINARES, 2000), where he/she carries out several tasks to achieve curricular objectives – curricular management practices (PONTE e SERRAZINA, 2004). It introduces what Tardiff (2000) calls “teachers knowledge”, relating it to “knowledge in action” in teaching practice (PONTE, 1995). From this standpoint, it analyzes some moments of practice of an 8th grade Elementary School teacher, specially during the presentation of an algorithm task ( information collected during a Master Degree research, from which this text originated), providing some reflection on the potentialities of the teacher as the producer of Math teaching knowledge.



Ensino-aprendizagem, Teaching and learning, Saberes-fazeres-dizeres, Educação matemática, Prática profissional do professor, Knowledge-actions-sayings, Mathematics education, Teacher professional practice


GONÇALVES JÚNIOR, Marcos Antonio Gonçalves; BURIASCO, Regina Luzia Corio. O professor de matemática e a produção de saberes sobre a gestão curricular. Ciência e Educação, Bauru, v. 12, n. 1, p. 99-115, abr. 2006.