Desinstitucionalização do louco infrator: a experiência do PAILI Goiás e a atuação da psicologia
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The Program of Integral Attention to the Insane Offender (PAILI), administered by
the State Health Secretary of Goiás, aims to supervise the execution of security measures to
which the unimputable or semi-imputable, i.e., people with mental disorders in conflict with
the law are submitted to. Based on this, it was intended to understand if, in practice, the
PAILI has broken with the paradigms of institutionalization and imprisonment of the insane
offender. However, the focus of this investigation was the work of Psychology in the
multiprofessional team that composes the Program. The research had a qualitative nature and
used as main methodology the bibliographic review in books and articles of specialized
literature about deinstitutionalization, psychiatric reform, criminality and public politics of
mental health; and, as a complementary method, field research was used, made by a visit to
the PAILI’s headquarters and in interlocution with professionals who work in the Program,
especially with a Psychology professional with whom an interview was carried out with semistructured script. As theoretical referential, the Foucauldian writings were used to analyze the
intersections between legal and psychiatric knowledge regarding the application of security
measures and to support the discussion about the disciplinary power involved in the asylum
practices. As results, it was verified that the Program of Integral Attention to the Insane
Offender is inserted as a deinstitutionalizing service which is guided by the principles of the
psychiatric reform and in consonance with the Law 10.216. Furthermore, in terms of the
Psychology work in the Program, the importance of specialized training in mental health
practices based on the biopsychosocial concept of health and that guides its work considering
the social commitment of Psychology.
Desinstitucionalização, Poder disciplinar, Reforma psiquiátrica, Medida de segurança PAILI, Deinstitutionalization, Disciplinary power, Psychiatric reform, Safety measure PAILI
CARMO, Maria Luiza Neves do. Desinstitucionalização do louco infrator: a experiência do PAILI Goiás e a atuação da psicologia. 2022. 84 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.