Arte na educação infantil enquanto experiência formativa: reflexões sobre as práticas pedagógicas e a mediação do professor

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The work presented is a study of art in early childhood education as a formative experience. This research is a bibliographical review that will analyze the pedagogical practices and the mediation of the teacher in this process of experimenting with art in childhood. Studying the literature on art in early childhood education is important to understand certain aspects of multiple artistic languages, as well as the challenges that the teacher faces in mediation and what the child experiences in this process. Given the references found, this study will address theoretical concepts about children, childhood and early childhood education. Furthermore, it will deal with the legal guarantees and legislation that support the topic discussed. Finally, it will be explained about art in early childhood education, the Reggio Emilia approach and child learning.



Arte educação infantil professor, Art child education teacher


DOURADO, Vilsiany Dias Moreira. Arte na educação infantil enquanto experiência formativa: reflexões sobre as práticas pedagógicas e a mediação do professor. 2021. 47 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.