Programa institucional de bolsas de iniciação à docência e a formação de professores

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This current work aimed to analyze the importance of Pibid in the professional formation of graduated students and its effects on the teacher’s education and how it articulates between the university and the basic education school from 2009 to 2017. In addition, to understand how the projects collaborate for the interdisciplinary and simultaneous work between school and university to achieve positive results in the initial and continuing teacher education. We have carried out an exploratory bibliography research understood as a selection of different authors and reading the selected materials. From those readings, we were able to analyze, compare and explain all the information about the results of Pibid in teacher education. Thus, the research shows the relevance of Pibid in the initial and continuous teacher education, as it put the undergraduates in contact with the basic schools, he acquires pedagogical practices that will bring greater confidence, autonomy, and perception of cooperation among his own partners in the program, as well as the teachers already working. It is complemented by the fact that the school brings teachers from basic education into the Higher Education Institutions' environment. They become co-trainers of future teachers, Pibid members, and, at the same time, they can recycle themselves by using the Pibid project to give new meaning to their classroom practices. Therefore, Pibid is a program that brings contributions to regular public education, since it values teachers, improves their practices and collaborates with an emancipating teaching. Thus, we conclude that the Pibid program came to collaborate with undergraduates by helping them in their daily classroom practices, encouraging them to stay in the profession after graduation, guaranteeing the undergraduates success in their pedagogical practices by associating theory and practice in the classroom, and promoting teamwork, seeking the cooperation and participation of the whole school community in the improvement of education. Furthermore, teachers are encouraged to participate in meetings, seminars, and debates promoted by the Pibid within the Higher Education Institutions, promoting the appreciation of teachers and their training by bringing them closer to the university.



PIBID, Formação de professores, Universidade e escola, Formação docente


PINHEIRO JÚNIOR, Wilson Moraes. Programa institucional de bolsas de iniciação à docência e a formação de professores. 2021.49 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.