A produção científica sobre jogos virtuais e sua aplicabilidade na Educação Física escolar: uma revisão sistemática
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This study aims to know what has been produced about virtual games in school physical education and understand how this production approaches the role of virtual games in the teaching and learning process in the area. To carry out the research, the principles of qualitative research were used with a bibliographic review of the systematic review, mapping what has already been produced in the area on the researched topic. To carry out the systematic search, it was necessary to access the platforms of each online journal and the productions from the period 2010 to 2021, using the following descriptors: “digital games”; "electronic games"; “ICT”; “TDIC” and “digital media”. The mapping and selection process for the purpose of analyzing the object of this study was divided into two stages. In the first, texts were selected only from the meeting of the descriptors in the titles, keywords and abstract, being located 27 articles thematically related. In the second moment, 4 articles were selected from the new application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the purpose of achieving the objective of the study. In this refinement, priority was given to texts that explained the use of electronic games in the context of physical education classes and in the teaching and learning process. The analysis of the material followed a script to identify the objectives, methods used and main results, in order to elucidate similarities or disparities between the studies. In view of the analysis, it is argued that the use of electronic games has applicability in Physical Education classes and contributes to expanding the possibilities of teaching and learning content. It is important to emphasize that despite the benefits provided by the use of Electronic Games in the component, further research on the subject must be developed, as there are still several limits to the presence of games as a mediator of this process.
Jogos eletrônicos, Educação Física escolar, Ensino e aprendizagem, TDIC, Electronic games, Teaching and learning, TDIC, School Physical Education
ABRÃO. X. P, Marco Túlio. A produção científica sobre jogos virtuais e sua aplicabilidade na Educação Física escolar: uma revisão sistemática. 2022. 54 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.