A comunicação interna como ferramenta estratégica de relações públicas
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The theme of this work is internal communication as a strategic tool of Public Relations. The overall objective is to identify the elements of the internal communication of Votorantim Cimentos www.vcimentos.com.br displayed on the site. The specific objectives are to analyze the values reported by the company as part of his identity meets the shares present at the site, noting the importance of internal communication for private organizations to demonstrate the benefits of this communication as a strategic tool pointing the Public Relations as this process manager and make a comparison of company stock and activities of Public Relations. For the methodological construction of this work literature review and documentary research were analyzed and investigated as the theme were performed. The main concepts used were organizational communication, public and internal communication. The authors who contributed to the theoretical development were Bueno (2003), Kusch (2003) and Curvello (2012). Against this communicational environment it is concluded that the company Votorantim Cimentos uses elements of internal communications, such as tools and vehicles for the relationship with its stakeholders.
Relações públicas, Comunicação, Comunicação interna, Identidade, Imagem, Público, Public relations, Communication, Internal communication, Identity, Picture, Public
SANTOS, Josiane Aparecida Leal. A comunicação interna como ferramenta estratégica de relações públicas. 2013. 74 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)–Faculdade Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.