Minhas experiências pedagógicas no curso de educação intercultural/UFG

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Maria do Socorro Pimentel da Silva


Kaa waõmysỹdỹỹna Ibutuna Hãwa-ki rèwinyre, Tocantins wèrbi roimyhỹre tahè awimy ròhònyre Tema mahãdu-my rarybekre ityrèdi raaõmysỹdỹỹnyre dỹỹraxi rèwinymy Licenciatura Intercultural tyyrtina-ki Universidade Federal tuu riwatohonyre, iwsè tahè rèwinyre dỹỹraxi rbilehè aõ rèlèmyhỹre. Awimy hèka tai rahare kièmy dori irbile bdè rèèryrèri tyyrtidu-my tasỹ tyyrtidỹỹdu-my ãròhònykremy bdèèrymy, kièmy dorihè iwsè rbile tyyrtidu mahãdu iny bdèdỹỹnanarèny aõni tyhymy rierykre inatxi-my bdèèryna, rityhynykre, Iny bdèèryna ta tyyrti rbi bdèèryna.
This work was carried out in the Ibutuna-Tocantins village and it was very important in order to approach the themes that were worked through the researches that the intercultural graduation of the Federal University of Goiás is developing regarding the research practices. This is because this research was fundamental in my training as an indigenous teacher and, at the same time, as a student as well, because only then can we bring our knowledge to be deepened in pedagogical practice and in a quality education, besides the students have a different Bilingual education. We also reflected a great deal on indigenous education and indigenous school education.



Povo Karajá, Educação indígena, Educação intercultural, Inymahãdu, Inybdèèryna, Intercultural rbibdèèryna, Karajá people, Indigenous education, Intercultural education


KARAJÁ, Paulo César Beti. Minhas experiências pedagógicas no curso de educação intercultural/UFG. Articulando e Construindo Saberes, Goiânia, v. 2, n. 1, p. 72-80, jan./dez. 2017. Disponível em: https://www.revistas.ufg.br/racs/article/view/48998/24018.