Revisitando a fonética/fonologia da língua Xerente Akwe : uma visão comparativa dos dados de Martius (1866) a Maybury-Lewis (1965) com os de Braggio (2004)

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Maria Zaíra Turchi


In a recent article I showed a sociolinguistic typology of the Xerente Akwe people. Among the many important aspects of the situation of the language, one called my deepest attention, the misunderstanding between the oldest and the youngest speakers. For advance knowing in advance that the language is spoken by everybody in the reservation, I started to focus my analysis on the borrowings from Portuguese to Xerente and lately on the phonetic/phonological processes under way since Martius and Maybury-Lewis language data were collected. In order to verify the vitality or obsolescence of the Xerente Akwe language I am comparing in this article those data to mine ones trying to bring some light into the scenario.



Língua Xerente Akwe, Fonética/fonologia, Empréstimo, Xerente Akwe language, Phonetics/phonology, Borrowing


BRAGGIO, Silvia Lucia Bigonjal. Revisitando a fonética/fonologia da língua Xerente akwe: uma visão comparativa dos dados de Martius (1866) a Maybury-Lewis (1965) com os de Braggio (2004). Signótica, Goiânia, v. 17, n. 2, p. 251-273, jul./dez. 2005. Disponível em: <>.