Efetividade de hedging do boi gordo do triângulo mineiro no mercado futuro da BM&FBovespa


The present study aims to analyse hedge operations of the beef cattle in the Triangulo Mineiro in futures market of the BM&FBOVESPA. It sought to achieve the proposed aims throughout time series of theat sign prices of beef cattle for the region of Triangulo Mineiro and the series of the at sign prices of beef cattle on the future market of BM&FBOVESPA in the Centre of Advanced Studies in Applied Economies. The daily series of the prices goes from January of 2000 to May of 2011. The base value was estimated and analysed the base value, so was the base risk, the optimal reason and the hedge effectiveness. So, it can be concluded that operations of hedge decreases approximately 73% of volatility risk of theat sign prices in the cash market of beef cattle’s on TrianguloMineiro. The results obtained from the application of the “Model of Myers and Thompson (1989)” are significantly considered in terms of mitigation capacity of the risk in hedge operations.



Hedge, Boi gordo, Mercado futuro, Triângulo mineiro, Hedge, Beef cattle, Future market


COSTA JÚNIOR, Marcelo Galdino et al. Efetividade de hedging do boi gordo do triângulo mineiro no mercado futuro da BM&FBovespa. Revista de Administração da UEG, Aparecida de Goiânia, v. 3, n. 2, jul./dez. 2012.