Comportamento informacional de entregadores de aplicativos: busca, uso e barreiras informacionais em ambiente de uberização

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research aims to analyze the informational behavior of application delivery people who work in the clt y of GQiânia/GO. I n methodologica l terms, the research fleld was delimited from 35 food deliverers, who were reglste e~ to work in the clty of Goiânia/ GO and who used any delivery appllcation. The acceptance of the deliverymen to participate in thls research by answering t he questionnaire sent was used as a dellmitatlon criterlon for the research fleld. The data were obtained by sending a questionnaire to the largest delivery groups In Goiânia loca ted on F21cebook : " ENTREGADORES APLICATIVO GOIÂNIA" with 862 members, "IFOOD deliverymen Goiânia-GO Brazil" with 7,200 members and "Deliverers Goiânia- GO Brasil" with 820 members. During the period from May 23 to 26, 2021, the questionnaire was available for completion and the 35 completed questionnaires were considered valid. Data analysis showed that, In terms of the moment of searchlng for information {83.8%) of the respondents experienced thl s crucial moment In a limited way for the development of competent information behavior, as the most accessed information sources are only t he communities of delivery people on Facebook and employer companies' websites. In terms of information use, the data showed that this moment of information behavior is characterized from the most basic stages (clarification, understanding of problems and instrumental use). The most cited information barriers were the following: reading ability barrier, poor communication barrier, threat sense barrier, new information distortion barrier. It is considered that these barriers are directly interrelated, in the sense that the reduced reading ability of respondents can generate difficulties in the communication processes developed by them, as well as the distortion of new information from the use of values and traditions received from the family context and from different social interactions can generate misinformation. A last barrier that acts as a unifier of this context of limitations and difficulties is the threat sense barrier, since the stressful environment experienced by deliverymen (overexploitation of deliverymen; the low predictability of work and low pay; the absence of guarantees of labor rights and the amateurism of most couriers) are founding elements of an environment of insecurity and unhealthy working conditions. This environment directly contributes to the creation of constant threats and limited information searches and uses.



Comportamento informacional, Busca de informação, Uso de informação, Barreiras informacionais, Uberização, Informational behaviour, Search for information, Use of information, Informational barriers, Uberization


SOUSA, Carlos Augusto da Silveira e. Comportamento informacional de entregadores de aplicativos: busca, uso e barreiras informacionais em ambiente de uberização. 2021. 44 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Gestão da Informação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.